Jul 5, 2020

Where are the local political leaders?” 

These quotes from Acting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan were published on Fox News. They are from an interview with Fox and Friends. The link to the interview is below.

Where are the local political leaders?”

“What we saw in Portland last night was criminal and we stood strong with our federal partners to resist that.

“These are not protesters, these are criminals who got together and organized and planned and actually brought weapons, they brought shields, they brought frozen water bottles, rocks, lasers, weapons with the intent to destroy a federal building and harm law enforcement officers."

He talks about a woman who says this is a game. She is standing on city sidewalk and there is nothing they can do to her.

Police in Portland declared a riot around 11 p.m. local time Saturday as Independence Day marked the 38th consecutive day of civil unrest in the city. Border Patrol agents were called in to assist.

“We are doing a disservice to peaceful, lawful protesters when we call these individuals protesters. They're not. They're criminal thugs with an agenda.”

“We're going to escalate to the use of force that's needed to repel these criminals and apprehend them and prosecute them."


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