Jul 5, 2020

So who is monitoring the bars, pubs in Humboldt?

A reader sent me this post just now. As someone pointed out, masks aren't required when you are seated at your table and are eating or drinking. Maybe Bob can clarify?

In the last month, two different people told me there is no physical distancing or enforcement of people wearing facial coverings at the AA and they will not be going back there. Someone else told me that the employees at Angelos weren't wearing facial coverings.

In Angelo's case, the person contacted the owner. With bars and pubs, people need to call the COVID tip line, contact City Hall or ABC.

Facebook posts that only your friends can view or telling a few people is not going to protect the community. The businesses  being irresponsible are affecting others who following the rules. If restrictions are reimposed, they should be on those endangering others' lives and livelihoods.


  1. Doesn't Bob have an interest in a Blue Lake beer joint? And it's Covid Chi Com Virus Bob you liberal douchebag. Trump didn't cancel your trip to France you elitist piece of s***.

  2. There are still exemptions for asthma sufferers and people who have breathing problems. We have two of them at my workplace and the mask Nazis don't even consider that before freaking out and saying they'll never come back. If people are so worried about catching the covid, I think they should stay home instead of freaking out about one or two people with asthma.
    And yes, Bob is a brainwashed progressive. Lol I'll agree with the other commentator.


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