Mar 2, 2018

From sharing happy memories of her life with Tim Smith to tears on the stand as Jessica Springer recalls the day her life changed forever

(Tim Smith)
"How are you feeling today," Deputy District Attorney Luke Bernthal asked Jessica Springer.

"Anxious," she responded.

Mr. Bernthal spent the first fifteen minutes asking Springer about how she met Tim Smith and their life together.

They started dating in the eighth grade; she was 13, he was 14.. They were in the same school after she moved to Humboldt in 1998. Tim Smith moved in with her and her dad when he was 15. They signed domestic partnership paperwork in 2012. They worked together at Bridgeville Elementary, they worked at Fortuna Fire and have two children; Tim Smith Jr and Douglas Smith.

The sons will be testifying for the trial. Tim Smith Jr. testified at the preliminary.

While talking about her life with Tim Smith, Springer voice was calm, you could feel the hapiness and the comfort the memories brought her. As the testimony progressed to events leading up to September 26, she broke down in tears

Previous post:

Posts linked below are Jessica Springer's testimony from the preliminary hearing:
(this link also includes some of Tim Smith Jr's testimony)

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