Feb 9, 2018

Court clerk John Beideman's alleged child molestation may resolve

Intervention for Humboldt Superior Court Clerk John Beideman was scheduled this morning.  Preliminary is scheduled for February 15 was confirmed, however Mr. Russ Clanton, who represents Beideman said,"Discussion are ongoing."

If the preliminary proceeds on February 15, time estimate is 4 hours.

Beideman is charged with  six felony counts. Four counts of  PC 288.7(b), oral copulation/penetration on a child under 10, these allegedly happened between 2006 and 2009. Two counts of PC 288 (a), lewd acts with a child under 14. These allegedly happened between 2004 and 2009.

The alleged victim's mother and her significant other were present and had private discussions with Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads in between and after the hearing.

Previous post:
(with links to all coverage on this case)

(this post has the Ramey warrant which has some details from Jane Doe that lead to  Beideman's arrest)


  1. Thank you for the updates on this case,

    1. You are welcome Maude. If you follow me on Facebook, you can click and read only the posts you are interested in and I update as soon as I post on the blog.



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