Nov 1, 2016

Like Hillary Clinton, Linda Atkins can claim she did not know about CA Code 8314 in her support of Austin Allison

It took me less than five minutes on google to find this code.

Linda Atkins made a big deal when Mike Newman and Chet Albin wore their own name badges on the gazebo during Arts Alive for their own re-election.

But it is okay for her and two other councilmembers to help Allen McCloskey and Austin Allison gather signatures, sign his form in the lobby of Eureka City Hall?

Don't bother for LOCO or NCJ or the usual left leaning liberal local media to cover this kind of election news. They wouldn't want to do anything to get in their myth and agenda based reporting trying to link John Fullerton to the usual left boogey myth of developers and big money.


(a) It is unlawful for any elected state or local officer, including any state or local appointee, employee, or consultant, to use or permit others to use public resources for a campaign activity, or personal or other purposes which are not authorized by law.

(b) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Personal purpose” means those activities the purpose of which is for personal enjoyment, private gain or advantage, or an outside endeavor not related to state business. “Personal purpose” does not include the incidental and minimal use of public resources, such as equipment or office space, for personal purposes, including an occasional telephone call.

(3) “Public resources” means any property or asset owned by the state or any local agency, including, but not limited to, land, buildings, facilities, funds, equipment, supplies, telephones, computers, vehicles, travel, and state-compensated time.

Also, Linda Atkins makes a big deal about the City of Eureka funding the Eureka Chamber of Commerce but she can be a member of Austin Allison's campaign tram (he claimed this in his request to the HCDCC endorsement letter) and campaign for him and be a member of HCDCC and Progressive Democrats.

I have a copy of that letter.

Yes, conflict of interests only apply locally selectively.

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