Dec 21, 2024

I would like to thank Kreis for filing his lawsuit; I had planned to move on from doing the blog and from Humboldt

Paul was a friend. Paul respected other media and I remember covering live news with him which concerned both Humboldt and Mendocino counties. The screenshots above you could probably still find on Facebook. I share them because not much has changed in Humboldt County for decades about how the "powers" react to honest coverage and the truth.

I would like to thank Gregory Kreis for filing his ridiculous, petty, small claims lawsuit. If you did not read the post on the ruling; you should.

Before he chose to do that; for many reasons I had planned to move on from doing this blog. He and my minority group of haters would have got what they wanted without doing anything. 

For many reasons I was exploring other options and I have wanted to move from Humboldt for a while. Not run away; not be chased out of Humboldt but my choice. There have been constant efforts to destroy me; silence me and break me down since I started this blog. 

Seeing me smile and still show up annoys the haters who reveal themselves by their actions and reactions.

Moving and having to rebuild your life takes time and money. Trying to do that while  constantly dealing with unjustified attacks and being retaliated against for simply doing your job wears even the most positive and strong person down. Try going through that daily for decades with constant attempts at your ability to make money and survive.

My plans have been delayed thanks to my dealing with all the usual bs which I have shared on this blog many times but mainly due to Kreis and his idiotic attempt to silence me. I have two more hearings coming up related to this small claims lawsuit. And just as I did after the 11/8/24 hearing; I will post court documents I filed this week at the appropriate time. They are public record for anyone who wants to check.

So all of you haters who want me gone should thank Kreis for delaying that decision and making me reconsider my plans. I am keeping the Humboldt blog. Whatever else I chose to do or not do and how much time I spend on this blog is no one's business. 

In fact my haters should thank all their fellow negative Humboldtians whose cowardly strategy to silence me and cause me to struggle has only delayed me leaving Humboldt. Anyone who assumes what I may or may not know about who they called or spoke about me and my blog or who contacted my advertisers and anyone who thinks what they say or do and share in two faced, back stabbing Humboldt is a fool. Having money and "power" does not make people smart or get the intended results. If it did, Measure F would have passed.

Freedom of the press and funding for independent, investigative reporting has been declining for decades. It is only going to get worse in 2025. It has never been worth my time and financially viable in Humboldt and most of you can look in the mirror for why.

Since this blog has been Humboldt focused for 10 years; my remarks are directed at the lack of support and funding which is Humboldt specific. There have been a few exceptions and those people know this is not directed at them.

Every day I run into people who tell me, "I love your site"; "I love what you do"; "Please keep doing this blog." All those compliments and kudos, even when it is in private; is appreciated but words don't pay my bills. 

None of those compliments matter when I incur extra expenses only because I reported the truth and covered news no one else would. I have faced retaliation because I stood up for you and yours. Where are you when it matters? 

Everyone can contribute something. It is a choice whether you do or do not. Over 10 years; every single person who reads and benefits from this blog has had plenty of opportunities to show they are not selfish users. I don't want to hear how hard life is for you. Even when I have shared what I have gone through; how many of you have had the decency to reach out?

How many of you have stepped up or been there for me when Flores harassed me? How many of you have been there for me when I have been  dealing with this bs erroneous legal small claims case Gregory Kreis filed against me months ago. These are just two examples.

How many of you were there for Rio Dell Times when they had to fight a lawsuit which was an affront to the First Amendment? The rest of the useless local media and their coward, selfish owners and publishers sit on the sidelines while those of us with little or no resources have to fight the entrenched powers in this small, cowardly, petty County. The same useless media that benefits from us taking on the system when they have the money to hire lawyers and resources to fight the system.

How many of you have benefitted from the coverage I have provided for 10 years and news no one else would touch?

People want investigative reporting, they want me to risk and put my name, my time, use me for effectiveness and results yet with a few exceptions are MIA when it comes to support or funding. 

All those people online and in person who tell others, "Why don't you contact John Chiv?" need to start getting out their cheque books or donate cash and be as generous with money as they are throwing my name around for tips and wanting me to fix the ills of society. That is not my job.

All these people also have no clue whether I have been contacted and why I may have rejected and ignored a tip. Go to whatever other local media with those tips. I have plenty of news to cover.

2025 is my 11th year of doing this blog. I have no intention of continuing to do this blog for another decade. We have enough decades long local "media" And, the same people can continue to be around for more decades in Humboldt. 

Whether I do this blog for another day; another week or another month is my choice and the only people who will be informed of any future decisions are my advertisers, subscribers and donors.

There is still a need for this blog and the reporting I do. There are good people, good businesses and good news that also needs to be highlighted. My readers are not just from Humboldt. What I report is based on years of my following my gut instinct but also paying attention to my readers. Feedback is not always verbal and the content I provide is not dictated by likes or comments.

"Legacy"  media and "mainstream" media was ineffective and declining decades ago. I saw that and the future in digital, independent and evolving media options 10 years ago. Humboldt readers, funders and advertisers need to keep up with this century. They won't. The status quo keeps stagnant, ineffective petty people in "power" in Humboldt. The same insecure cabal who thinks "news" is stroking their egos.

If these people could "succeed" anywhere else; they would not be in Humboldt trying to destroy competition and growth. They would not negatively react to every idea and suggestion which would be positive for Humboldt and others beyond their miniscule, self absorbed clique.

I get more support and funding from outside Humboldt and from people who no longer live here but still follow my blog. It does not matter what the amount is or if it one time. It is the thought; the action. 

While this blog has been Humboldt focused in the past; I get tips and requests from other counties and all over California. 

For advertisers, subscribers and donors, 2025 will bring no changes. For the rest, you have had plenty of time, numerous reminders, plenty of explainations. You have chosen to ignore them. 

Regular readers and supportive followers read Facebook and blog explainations on how I made adjustments in coverage for better use of my time and your time. The blog is constantly evolving and more changes are coming in 2025. 

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