May 22, 2024

Mr. Kamada became suddenly ill and had to go home."


Frederick Breckenridge is charged with PC 422 criminal threats, PC 76 (a) threatening a public official and PC 653 (m) (a) annoying phone calls. Alleged victim is First District Supervisor Rex Bohn.

Breckenridge's preliminary hearing needs to happen by next Tuesday. He did not waive time. In California, Penal Code section 859 (b) (1) requires that a criminal defendant's preliminary examination be held within 10 court days from the time of arraignment or plea, if the defendant is in custody.

After the 9:15 calendar "roll call", Breckenridge's preliminary hearing was assigned to start at 1:30 in Courtroom 1. It was continued to tomorrow because Breckenridge's attorney, Deputy Public Defender who was fine at noon when I saw him was unavailable at 1:30. Deputy Public Defender David Celli appeared for him and told Judge Lawrence Killoran, "Mr. Kamada became suddenly ill and had to go home."

Deputy Public Defender Ben McLaughlin had the decency to text Deputy District Attorney Luke Bernthal to let him know what was happening before court opened this afternoon.

Was it a bad burrito? As I said outside court, should I be checking Ramones? I wasn't joking. This sudden illness could be a trip to the golf course, maybe the AA. Mr. Kamada can show up tomorrow but he had to go home this afternoon for a preliminary hearing that would be approximately an hour?

The AA reference is to a post I did on April 2, 2021. For those few who are not regular readers or new readers, keywords are Kamada, Kreis and AA.

Who knows if the preliminary hearing will proceed tomorrow? HCSO Sgt. Pete Leipzig who authored the Ramey warrant was ordered back. The time estimate is 35 minutes. I don't know if I will cover the hearing or add court minutes. Breckenridge also has a hearing on the TRO requested by the County tomorrow. If he misses it due to the preliminary, it will still get granted because he is a no show. That is based on my experience with other such cases, there is no communication or concern by the courts.

The two women I mentioned in the last post were there in court today. Breckenridge was in a great mood today as well greeting and asking Judge Killoran if he was having a good day. Breckenridge said the same to Judge Kaleb Cockrum the last time. He is compliant and well behaved in court. Could that be because both hearings were Rex free?

5/23: Breckenridge entered a time waiver. His preliminary hearing was continued to 7/2. The continuance could have been done yesterday by the PD's office, instead an unneccesary hearing was scheduled today. 

7/2: Preliminary hearing continued by defense to 8/14 for further investigation.

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