May 3, 2024

Carol, next time you slander, question my reporting, get your facts right and do some research on the law and journalism since you have plenty of time to waste


Alleged rapist Baila Wane's preliminary hearing scheduled on 4/30 was already  continued once to 5/2 because the officer was sick. It was continued again to 6/4 because investigation was needed. Both times by the DA.

People made oral motion to continue. Since preliminary was continued beyond the 10 day waiver, Wane released with conditions. 

The DA charged Wane with Count 1 PC 261 (a) (3) rape of a victim inapable of consent due to intoxicating, anesthetic or controlled substance and Count 2 PC 261(a)(2) forcible rape of a minor. 

This is the email I received today.

Carol, tell your neighbor I am mortified that an alleged rapist charged with serious crimes against a minor and his enabling neighbor; that would be you; have the audacity to think that my priority in a busy month,busier week and even busier day is to drop everything and do an update because you two brainless, selfish morons do not realize an alleged rapist was released due to technicality. Maybe Wane should focus on following the law while he is out of custody, a status which could change after his preliminary hearing. Maybe you should  realize that your opinion and belief are not facts or court records or evidence. 

Carol, I will wait for the preliminary hearing, any evidence and not your opinion on your neighbor's arrest.  You have the gall to slander, intrude, harass, waste my time, disparage my reporting without the facts of the court hearing, impact my livelihood and think you can badger me into removing a valid booking photo about an arrest? Your neighbor is no different than any other person arrested on a booking log and his case will be reported on just like any other defendant. Next time, wait for an update and don't assume I work for you or on your time table. 

I crop out identifying information from emails, tips and protect my sources but if you misuse my email, slander me, cause me hardship because you are selfish, self absorbed uninformed with an axe to grind, then you will be called out and exposed in public. 

Come do what I have for 20 years, for the last 10 years, the last 10 days. We will see how long you last. If I am cranky certain days;  I have every right to be when I deal with several "Carols" a day while trying to survive and inform my community. I do not have to explain myself to anyone. I do not have to provide court minutes. I chose to do so and put in that time. I have 10 years of what I write being backed by evidence and court minutes and by now, including them isn't necessary. No other local media does when they report on hearings and cases. I certainly do not have to myself to some random "Carol" who not only doesn't pay me for my time but costs me money and impedes my work.

The people who actually support this blog financially whether they advertise, subscribe or donate and regular readers who are patiently waiting for cases to be updated this week, readers who care and know the challenges I am going through don't bother me at all.  But the Carols and other selfish users who benefit from what I posted on my blog do. They are MIA when I am being attacked and have taken advantage of me. Now, instead of updating a case one of these regular readers who has been patiently waiting for days, I have to waste time calling out yet another self centered Humboldt snot who cost me more money today at a time I am going through more financial hardship. Humboldt has "lost mail" for two weeks and the issue isn't resolved. 

I havent slept in days, had time to sit down to eat, time to go take care of my health, am checking on cases with limited time and access to court computers buy providing court minutes and ton of content for free. I have to also work and generate income to fund this blog and instead of time I should be spending with people who value me, I am dealing with This self absorbed privileged "Karen" defending an alleged rapist and telling me how to report. 

That it how it has been for 10 years. I don't have the luxury to sit at my desk and churn out one story every two weeks or a month, proofread that one insipid content which only special interests want to read. The same Humboldt fat cats who want to keep others down, the same 5 groupies on certain local media and blogs who fawn over computer generated agendas and the same egos  too busy fighting the same battles for 20 years instead of allowing new competent leadership to be elected are the problem, the negativity and the reason Humboldt remains depressed, stagnant and mired in negativity. I recognized Carol's email. Even before I did the google search.

I have about 20 court cases to still update just from today and for the first time have been days behind for weeks due to unnecessary and constant chaos caused by inept, arrogant, self absorbed losers like the Cal Poly administration and Gregory Kreis and all those I call out. The slime that can't face me but troll me and the same filth that shuts down any decent person who does not play along with their narrative in person or online. 

I can cover multiple courtrooms and live news and get news out fast but the Humboldt challenges in the last few months keep increasing. Every time I catch up and think maybe this weekend, I can take a break, a Carol screws it up. Every time  certain other media has egg on their face and I have post after post calling out the worthless powers to be which is effective; the attacks begin. Humboldt is Devil's playground and I don't mean in a religious sense. It has been hard lately, not that Carol or the rest of the destructive Humboldt forces care. Like her you will still spew your negativity online without any consideration for other human beings like overworked law enforcement or stressed journalists. The hate and bitterness oozing out of your miserable existences on Reddit and the comment sections of certain local sites who are a contagion can wear down the positive people in Humboldt actually trying to make a difference but your attempts never defeat us.

It is hard when there is so much news in a day and you have to fend off harassment, threats and distractions  and constant interruptions and self serving emails with incomplete and inaccurate information. I dont jump at your selfish commands. You dont pay my bills,you have no idea what conditions I endure to put out this blog, especially in the last 4 years. Let's see how my harassers, detractors and backstabbers fare if  they have to put up with what I have for 10  years of doing this blog and 20 years of Humboldt negativity.

A continuance is something I would have added to a previous post but Carol's inaccurate slander had to be addressed before it ended up being repeated online anonymously or with "Carols" passing on misinformation.

Carol since you have so much time on your hands and are so concerned about what is being reported, why don't you do something useful about the  decades entrenched local "media" sitting in their ivory towers who act more like tools for the establishment and do selective coverage, don't disclose conflicts of interest unless called out, use their comment sections to take digs or have their groupies troll those trying to do independent reporting not convienient to the local "powers" and think a free for all hateful comment section used for retaliation to silence others is free speech. I have a relationship with my readers and the community who give me all sorts of feedback in private. Even if that feedback is blunt, that person says it to my face and is coming from a place of concern. You, Carol are not in that group and will never be. Try using the ample time you have watching out for the children, women and law abiding residents in this community than wasting mine because the local courts released an alleged rapist due to their ongoing incompetence causing a constant court calendar backlog.

6/4: Preliminary hearing continued by stipulation to 6/13.

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