Apr 28, 2024

So the Cal Poly Humboldt update today was a distraction


This was posted two hours ago.

There is some information that the police may come at 10 p.m. With the way Cal Poly administration is behaving, who knows if it will be tonight or tomorrow.

Cal Poly Humboldt administration is being exposed. The usual anon Humboldt entrenched insiders on LOCO and RHBB who hide behind a screen to conceal their real identities and conflicts of interests are pissed. These keyboard warriors dont care about Israel or Gaza. They are just angry that  the students are speaking up and raising awareness. The selfish predators in Humboldt who leech off Cal Poly Humboldt are only concerned about their interests. 

I hope the rest of the country and the world is watching how those in charge in Humboldt, the selfish failures who should never be in power, react when exposed. Bullies, using money, the police and the criminal justice system for their ineptness. Kreis and Cal Poly Humboldt admin are of the same ilk. Deny, blame and accept no responsibility.

I did find this about graduation on the Cal Poly Humboldt website.

"Many people have asked about Commencement. The University is planning for various scenarios to help students and families celebrate this important milestone."

No one asked Cal Poly administration to overreact and send in police in riot gear the first day. No one asked Cal Poly administration to close the entire campus. People's graduation is not affected because they don't get a photo op on campus to post on social media. Inconvenience is not being able to go to the courthouse in person or government offices for life and liberty decisions  due to COVID closures; it isn't remote learning caused by an inept, tone deaf administration. If you can post online and whine about other students trying to make a difference; you can spend that time and internet access for your education.

If you know the history of this country, care about the constitution and are a true patriot, you would be apalled that you now live in a United States where the police and criminal justice system is weaponized to silence an opinion inconvenient to the wealthy and those in power. The same people screaming for the arrest of these students can only speak today in a country because of events such as the Boston Tea Party. Should those protestors have been arrested too?

People had to vote out Gregory Kreis. 
Students are standing up and speaking out against violence while the Humboldt fat cats hide behind a screen continue to bully, oppress and refuse to take responsibility for the lack of housing, lack of economic opportunities and despair they created. Fat cats living on a government paycheck and generational wealth entitlement. Police and the courts are supposed to protect people; not harass them. Humboldt is a joke in holding abuse of power accountable. Crickets from the rest of the local "media" as usual. Did they get their marching orders from their overlords? Those media are always MIA when it counts.

CalPoly Humboldt sent an "update" out at 10:06 a.m, hours after yesterday. It regurgitates some of the same doublespeak, information already known which Cal Poly Humboldt could have released earlier. All this confirms what was already posted online hours and days ago and should have been included in the original press release about the closure. 

ACLU of Northern California issued a statement which is on their website. 

"During times like these, several fundamental protections come to the forefront. First, there’s the right to freedom of expression and assembly enshrined in the United States and California Constitutions. Second, there’s the right to be free from unreasonable and excessive force at the hands of law enforcement. And third, there’s the core principle that these rights apply universally, irrespective of one’s viewpoint, race, ethnicity, or religion. These protections, however, only survive if we have other fundamental guarantees in place — a free press on the ground, access to legal counsel, and due process."

We will find out what ACLU will do, if anything later today to ensure these protections for the Cal Poly Humboldt students or this paragraph is just empty words.

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