Feb 6, 2023

Security National moving was already reported more than a month ago


Lost Coast Outpost's story today on Security National moving is old news. It isn't hours old news, day old news. It is almost a month after I already reported this on January 13.


I posted all the emails between SN and  the City of Eureka and let the readers come to their own conclusions. 

LOCO's piece was predictable. Waiting almost three weeks to see them spin it exactly as I thought, boring. 🥱

LOCO is dismissive and trying to make this about parking and personalities. And mucking it up with regurgitating the parking lots and affordable housing debate that has been covered ad nauseam.

I have done many posts about crime in Eureka. There are female employees at the Courthouse and other local busineses who don't feel safe and have not for years. Politics and personal opinions about people has nothing to do with valid concerns many businesses and residents have about crime and safety in Eureka. 

Many sex offenders and habitual, frequent criminals hang out in downtown and Old Town Eureka. It is about criminals not about low income or being homeless. 

I walk all over Eureka and every year, every month, every day, it is more unsafe. Employees, residents, businesses get threatened and told they will be knifed, attacked by the same bums and frequently arrested  criminals because they feel entitled to camp out, piss, defecate, trash on private property. I do walk around Eureka, I see and talk to people every day.

Many of these people are eligible for low income housing and services and they chose to be on the streets to do their scam sign begging and be a junkie. If you work part time or full time and are struggling, you are not eligible for help because the government and non profits who rake in money like to control who they house, feed or help. Government help is based on funding for bureaucrats and keeping people dependent keeps those grants and government funding flowing.

There are many people from business owners, lawyers who told me they would donate to Rob Arkley suing the City of Eureka but they will not state  publicly they are against the homeless.

There are many people who have told me after I published this post they agree with Rob Arkley's concerns about crime, parking, public safety but felt the approach by both Rob Arkley and the City of Eureka could and should be handled differently instead of the posturing being played out in the media being portrayed by LOCO's spin.

How many of these people will support Rob Arkley or the City of Eureka? Most of them are two faced, back stabbing and play both sides. 

City of Eureka and Eureka City Council needs to address their failure about decisions that have impacted public safety. They need to  talk with the County Board of Supervisors about Eureka not being a dumping ground for repeat criminals from other areas in Humboldt and Crescent City.

And solve this without making Eureka Police Department a scapegoat or dump it on EPD to solve an issue which is all about economy and politics.

You can have your opinion about the Arkleys, City of Eureka, Miles Slattery, business, parking, housing but your bias does not change facts about crime and public safety in Eureka. 

Boarded up buildings, restaurants for sale, hotels for sale. Only idiots would celebrate an established business with over 200 employees leaving the City of Eureka. What is going to replace that business? Another weed dispensary stinking up downtown Eureka in a glutted market or another substandard restaurant with the same few tired food options that will go out of business months later? There is a trickle down effect when established businesses relocate. 

I do hope SN can stay downtown. 5th street in Eureka in particular, from A to G, is abandoned buildings, boarded up buildings and demolished buildings. Just Starbucks and SN moving from the block on 5th and E would be so depressing and impact tourism and future sales of other property.

There are people who started out at SN, got trained and have gone to start their own businesses in Eureka. Entrepreneurship that was possible because of a decent job, home and training. 

LOCO is stale, old news with most of the comments being from either "Angie" who is LOCO's moderator for the cesspool LOCO passes off as a comment section where the same, mostly anonymous, insignificant cowardss with an agenda  chime in with predictable comments. The same three or four usernames. 

Commenters who are hypocrites just like LOCO. This rag was a mouthpiece for Rex Bohn and the County in last year's election and ran all the talking points the County cabal wanted against Karen Paz Dominguez. The right wing candidates in the last election poured a ton of advertising money into LOCO. Allison Edrington's husband was lampooned by LOCO. And she is still grovels and looks the other way now because this is a predictable Arkley piece that LOCO waited a month to follow up on? Why?

LOCO made their PRA request the morning after I requested the emails from the City of Eureka. I knew exactly how they would use those emails. They are so predictable. They did not disappoint.

The only exception to the usual LOCO groupies is the rare comment by someone like Mail Lady who makes pertinent comments,  actually bothers to read content and is one of the few readers who seems to read more than one local source for information. Hanky Sims is arguing with her to drive up his pathetic and dwindling comment count. 

Any moron questioning crime in downtown Eureka has never walked in downtown or Old Town Eureka. LOCO groupies don't look at the daily booking log and alerts on the same crappy site they live on which has crime stats? Lazy people reading sloppy nonsense by hacks. 

The three main stooges; Hanky Sims who Rex Bohn described as a drunk to me, Ryan Burnsy who Ryan Sundberg dissed in a conversation to me and Andrew Goff whose entire career is because he is Hanky's lapdog; have been good tools in their lifetime to sow divisiveness and hatred in Humboldt with irrelevant news such as repeated fluff about an unknown pastor and stupid signs that rile up their groupies.

This scum attacked me before I started and wrote this blog for petty and selfish reasons and have continued since I have done this blog. I cover stories they ignore. They are the ones hobnobbing with Matthew Owen, Andy Mills, Rex Bohn and are not upfront about it. Anyone reading their  baseless accusations about me or anyone else should think about motive, deflection and projection.

All this because they do a piss poor job of watching out for the community and are never a voice for the people or those without the $. If they did, they wouldn't routinely ignore covering news about Rick Littlefield, Gregory Elvine-Kreis, Kailan Meserve, J.D. Grow to name a few.

Lack of transparency about LOCO's ownership, convenient anonymous site and commenters which includes the Humboldt cabal and connected and anyone exposed can lash out to silence anyone using fact to challenge LOCO's agenda based, biased drivel. 

Someone who no longer works at the Humboldt Convention Visitors Bureau called North Coast Journal's Thad Greenson a hack. Of course, said it to me privately, in a conversation near the Courthouse. All these politicians and business owners and community members and their sycophants surface like rats from a sewer predictably after posts like my recent ones on Matty boy and this one on SN.

All those right wing who advertised and poured dollars in the past election lost. Just because the entrenched cabal who profit from the status quo and like to control the narrative promote the misconception that LOCO and certain other local media are popular; they are not. If any of these sources and writers were trusted by the majority of Humboldt, they would be effective. 

Certain local media, including LOCO, have done nothing to bring about change for decades. The same ole good boys and gals who are squeezing out the little money left in Humboldt are not threatened by these media sources. If they thought these media sources had any impact, they would be targeted by baseless anonymous attacks and defunded by the stleath, dirty Humboldt tactics. 

What is considered mainstream media is not a badge of honor these days. It has failed the public because it is controlled for years. I have worked for mainstream media in the past. A blog, online or a dot.com site is irrelevant. What matters to readers is credibility and trust.

Real journalists are measured by their work. Long before Twitter files or mainstream outlets being exposed for their agenda based, selective reporting, I saw the need. Long before others saw the value of regular court coverage, I started something different. Years later, the copy cats still cannot deliver because they are still lazy, sloppy hacks who write with an agenda and ignore investigating anyone that requires financial and personal risk. 

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