Feb 2, 2023

Just Jose Luna's sentence this week exposes Gavin's lies in shifting blame


Google Fresno DA and Gavin Newsom about their war of words. Then apply it to any multitude of Humboldt cases.

Those outraged by Jose Santiago Lomeli Osuna sentence in Humboldt this week or any other sentences which is a direct result of California laws need to place blame where it belongs. Instead of whining online and mostly anonymously, you should call, text or email Newsom and the California legislators who have failed at effective criminal justice reform. 

If you voted for him but cannot also hold Newsom accountable for his soft on crime stance and laws that are a constant threat to public safety; then don't send me anonymous emails and stop posting  anonymous, clueless attacks and comments blaming Humboldt Judges or Humboldt County District Attorney's office.

Sitting behind a screen doing absolutely nothing productive for public safety but criticizing those who reduce, expose and fight crime is a Humboldt plague.

Instead of black and white stances and loyalty to one party and blindly following any elected official, you can like some of Newsom's or any elected official's decisions and support someone regardless of party but do you also call them out when necessary?

This  is why I prefer to be an independent voter. I am conservative or liberal based on your bias. I am not and never will be a one party, one issue voter. Independent voters made the difference in 2016 and 2020 national elections and are key to local elections.

Unless you risk your life every day prosecuting, arresting and exposing the lowlifes, rapists, child molestors and career criminals in Humboldt; I could care less about your opinion on any matter; especially public safety. 

I prove every day that I will speak up against entrenched interests and don't support any elected official blindly. I call them out and in a small community that has consequences. Most of you stay quiet, are two faced and do not challenge the status quo. 

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