Jul 6, 2020

Woman destroying face masks at Target claims she is a Q anon and White House spokesperson

Woman in Arizona claims she is a Q Anon and White House spokesperson after she vandalizes displays with face masks at a Target store.

"So, Target, I’m not playing anymore fucking games. This shit  is fucking over.”

In one video, she tells Target employees, "Why? You let everyone else do it. I can't do it because I'm a blonde, white woman? That’s wearing a f—ing $40,000 Rolex.”

When police are at her house,she also claims to be a lawyer. She tells them she cannot give them classified information.

She was later identified as Melissa Rein Lively who founded, The Brand Consortium, a public relations company in Arizona.

Watch the videos in the TMZ article. She made Newsweek, Twitter and other headlines.


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