Jul 15, 2020

The risk to the local community from COVID 19 and a Pelican Bay inmate doesn't go away when it suits you Russ Clanton

My last post on convicted felon John Vella was in 2018. At that time, Mr. Michael Acosta was his attorney. Vella came to the courthouse, for a court hearing, wearing a hat with the caption " Am I high?"

While waiting on another case, I was listening to arguments from Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Schaffer, Deputy County Counsel Natalie Duke and Mr. Russ Clanton talk about Vella's case on calendar. Vella is currently at Pelican Bay.

Ms. Schaffer and Ms. Duke both expressed concern about Vella being transported to Humboldt and the risk to the local community and other inmates due to the COVID 19 outbreak at Pelican Bay. There is the additional concern Vella won't be accepted back in state prison due to the COVID 19  directive by Gavin Newsom.

Mr. Clanton seemed dismissive and wanted Judge Timothy Canning to make a decision about transport today.  I had to cover another case in another courtroom

The hypocrisy about the risk of COVID 19 is what bothers me and it is used by some attorneys selectively.

In Humboldt, some people use COVID 19 against others due to political and personal differences and the facial covering outrage depends on the same reasons.

In the Mark Dare case, COVID 19 was used as an excuse for Zoom testimony. In another case, Deputy Public Defender wanted Judge Kaleb Cockrum to take a felony plea without the defendant being present. Judge Cockrum  denied it and said the defendant could appear via Zoom. COVID 19 was a concern expressed by Ms. Stepanian. She herself comes to court instead of using Zoom?!

The three Public Defenders who were tested for COVID 19. We will never get information officially if they tested positive and if they do, how were they exposed due to privacy.

Conflict Counsel Supervising Attorney Meagan O'Connell did not use COVID 19 as an excuse in Hugo Parral Aguirre's case. While it impacts her ability and that of an interpreter to meet with her client in jail, she worked with jail administration and practiced physical distancing to have the in person meeting and to honor her client's request to watch discovery. That is being reasonable and responsible.

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