Jul 9, 2020

Keeping the running gag alive or is Matthew Owen considering running for Eureka City Council?

Saw Humboldt Bay Division 4 Harbor Commissioner and hot dog afficiando Richard Marks having lunch with Matthew Owen.

I  quipped, "Matt, I am going to post that you are running for Eureka City Council." It has been a running joke. I added, if he did Richard would be his campaign manager. The latter part I am serious about
because it is a given.

Matthew was non committal. He said, "he was considering it" and I would have to wait and see if he files paperwork.

Richard said, there is a rumor/talk that someone in Heidi Messner's ward is considering running and I would be that person's campaign manager.

Guess we will find out soon if this was just another regular Marks/Owen lunch and their keeping the running gag alive or if Matthew is serious.

Matthew rolled his eyes at Richard telling me the campaign slogan, " Matt is where it's at."

In Ward 2, Dorothy  Jager Wentworth has filed a form 501 and in the 4th Ward Liza Welsh has completed a form 501.

City Clerk Pam Powell said Matthew has not contacted her or filed any FPPC forms indicating that he was interested in raising money.

City of Eureka Press Release (July 10):

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1 comment:

  1. I believe that Matt is in the third ward so he wouldn't be running until 2022.


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