Apr 12, 2018

Sitting right next to Joe Olivo in court, Chad Smith tells their mutual attorney, "I don't care about him"

Setting of jury trial and confirmation of counsel for alleged molestor Chad Smith was scheduled for April 12.

Anakalia "Andrea" Kaluna Sullivan, who also represents Joe Olivo III, accepted the court appointment to represent Smith. Setting of jury trial and other matters will be decided on May 10.

Eventually, Smith entered a general time waiver.  On record, he gave a polite statement but not before he argued with yet another attorney who is being paid for by the taxpayers.

"I will go ahead and put my trust in her," Smith told Judge John Feeney.

Ms. Sullivan had to go over the same concepts and information that all previous attorneys have told Smith.

Smith told Ms. Sullivan that he is a businessman and being told to wait was not acceptable to him. Eventually, he changed his attitude when he realized he was about to lose another attorney.

Ms. Sullivan was very patient. She asked him if he could afford to retain a private attorney. She explained that in addition to her private clients, she has a contract with Lake County as a public defender and has 80 clients she is representing, many with serious felony charges.

"I need time to prepare."

" The file is this thick"

"There are other people ahead of you, you can't just bump ahead in line."

Ms. Sullivan pointed out Joe Olivo had been waiting longer than Smith.

"I don't care about him," responded Smith.

Ms. Sullivan told Smith that "it would probably be summer" before she was ready for trial.

Judge Feeney addressed Smith's "dilemma" about his case being delayed due to court schedules by telling him that he could always withdraw his time waiver in the future.

Previous post:


  1. Sullivan's a pretty sharp cookie, she runs the Public Defender contract in Lake County so she's used to mooks like this.

  2. He is a businessman??? Not anymore Chadmo. You are slithering pretty low in the people of importance pool now. Look around, you have caused your own problems. It’s just “horrible” when yet more narcissistic misbehavior makes you wait longer in your new little home. Tough stuff buddy. Pucker up and sit back and deal with it. Really, how many times does he get to change his private attorney on our dime? Plop him back in the local appointed pool and then suck it up Butter Cup.


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