Apr 30, 2018

People can speculate all they want; instead check out CA law regarding the charges and possible penalties Marci Kitchen faces, if convicted

These are the charges Marci Kitchen was arraigned on for jury trial.

Count 1 is vehicular manslaughter without gross negligence while being intoxicated PC 191.5 (b) Jane Doe 1.

Count 1 has two special allegations: fleeing the crime scene and multiple victims.

Count 2 is the same PC 191.5(b) Jane Doe 2
Count 3 is DUI; Alcohol while causing injury with two special allegations: great bodily injury resulting in brain injury and paralysis and multiple victims.

Count 4 is Hit and Run with Injury/Death.

Two links that explain penalties for PC 191.5 (b)

While Marci Kitchen does not have a prior record, if convicted and the special allegations have an impact on sentencing.

I just listed the possible penalties for Count 1 and 2. That does not include the possible penalties for Count 3 and 4 or special allegations.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the most informative articles I've read about this case. Thanks for the legal info!


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