Feb 14, 2024

Rolling Stone article says that Kreis is accused of behavior that would make most frat boys blush and describes it as bizarre sexual behavior

"The judge is accused of behavior that would make most frat boys blush. At a 2019 summer social gathering referred to as the “Antlers Campout,” for example, Kreis is alleged to have vaped cannabis before boarding a pontoon boat, where he proceeded to drink until the point of apparent intoxication. He then allegedly demeaned a deputy public defender as “Jewboy” — repeatedly — before shoving this man, fully clothed, off the boat and into the water. 

During this same boat party, Kreis allegedly pantomimed performing “something similar to a lap dance” on the wife of another public defender. The complaint describes this woman as wearing a bathing suit and holding her youngest child. The document — which addresses Kreis directly throughout — alleges “you moved your body and moaned or made other noises that suggested you were having sex” with her." 

Excerpts above are from the Rolling Stone article.

The article has an error about when Kreis' answer is due to the CJP. "Judge Kreis’s Answer to the Notice is due February 22, 2024." I will be including that press release to make Rolling Stone aware of the error. It is a well balanced article. 

When asked for a response by Rolling Stone, Kreis replied, “I have been advised by my attorney to make no statements at this time.” What took his attorney so long? As a judge and an attorney, Kreis already inserted his foot in his mouth by blabbing about the Kalin settlement, the Instagram post lieing about when he was served on Instagram. Not a very smart move by someone who should know about law and evidence.

You have to subscribe or log in to read the full article. Locals have already read the complaint, read the excuses Kreis made and he has already been exposed in a lie about the proof of service regarding the CJP notice of formal proccedings. 

I have been reporting on Kreis for four years, including what is mentioned in the CJP document so Kreis' continued pathetic excuses that it is politics or the allegations are from one incident or one person is bs. We may find out in the future how many complaints were filed against Kreis but I have heard from many people throughout the years. Is Kreis claiming none of these people filed complaints about him?
We already know how Kreis and Humboldt Superior Court administration ignored convicted upskirter and former court mediator Joe Hale until they were forced to deal with his predatory behavior.

As I have reported previously, incumbent Humboldt Superior Court Judge Gregory Kreis made statewide news on the CJP proccedings which including well known LA legal media. Now he is in the national headlines; again.

I am not going to link all the posts on Kreis with court documents,property records, campaign forms. I am not going to link all the posts showing his recusals and disqualifications from private attorneys and public defenders until he assigned to juvenile law cases. I am not going to link all my posts on the Kalin lawsuit and all my posts on Kreis for several years. I will link the recent related posts on the CJP proceedings.

Will the anonymous Humboldt court insiders, Kreis enablers and the criminals whose lies were previously forwarded to authorities be starting more anon attacks on me again instead of holding the only person responsible for this national embarrassment? Hint : It is the joke who thinks partying and drinking on a boat with public defenders in a faux bikini top is appropriate behavior for a judge? The CJP documents include counts where he continued to socialize with people he worked with including women while he was married and is now in a relationship with Humboldt Superior Court's self help attorney.

The hate is in this County towards me is for speaking the truth about immoral tyrants who abuse their power and are just as unremorseful and in denial as the criminals I cover regularly in court cases who are pissed that their dirty deeds are exposed to the public and they and their lawyers cannot hide their slap on the wrist or negotiate a plea deal in this small County selective criminal justice system. 

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