Dec 28, 2021

Who had access to the external hard drives from Christie's first raid, this is what the former forensic expert at the DA's office says

On January 7, there is a hearing on the defense motion to dismiss criminal charges in Ray Christie's Humboldt Superior Court case. 

It is based on the 2018 raid. I did a post with details about that motion on December 22.

Deputy District Attorney Steven Steward had not filed a response to the motion to dismiss the last time I checked. The deadline for that is this Thursday as well as the deadline to provide defense all discovery which seems to be trickling in spurts.

At the hearing yesterday for a motion to suppress evidence from the October 2021 federal raid, Ray Christie's attorney, Mr. Rick Richmond said this about the defense motion to dismiss criminal charges. "Most of that evidence has been lost, destroyed or hidden from Mr.Christie."

I have included the Mr. Richmond's entire declaration, which is one of several documents filed with the motion to dismiss.

Former Deputy DA and current Public Defender Adrian Kamada has been subpoenaed by the defense and HCSO Deputy Travis Mendes.

In the defense motion to dismiss, former DA Investigator and former HCSO Deputy Martin Perrone is also one of the people mentioned. He has his own forensic expert business now. Mr. Perrone is no longer at the DA's office or HCSO.

Mr. Perrone's expertise with computers electronics, data extraction was instrumental in the prosecution of many Humboldt court cases, especially in the Gary Lee Bullock and Jason Warren cases.

I contacted Mr. Perrone because he is mentioned in the defense motion to dismiss. I only briefly spoke with him about the defense report. Let's see what happens at the January 7 hearing.

"Everything on the original device is backed up on those hard drives," said Mr. Perrone.

I have sat through many cases and reported previously testimony from Mr. Perrone about how he extracts datas, prepares report and how he makes a copy from the original device. 

In court cases, the Deputy DA would tell Mr. Perrone what they are looking for; in fact most forensic investigators have testified an attorney instructs them so they can focus their report.

"When I left in 2018, I told (former) Chief DA Investigator Wayne Cox, all of the evidence is on the external hard drives they have. They took all my machines." 

Mr. Perrone said "I told Maggie and Wayne, I gave eveything to you." 

Mr. Perrone is no longer at the DA's office. Wayne Cox is retired. The DA's office could say anything at the January 7 hearing about who had access, where evidence went, how would we know. How would we know if key people involved with handling evidence in Mr. Christie's case are not there.

Based on the way the last hearing in the Christie case was conducted, are we hearing all the witnesses and pertinent information? It isn't the first time Humboldt Superior Court has railroaded another jury trial to accomodate their convenience; damn the Constitution and due process? If you have had the unfortunate and personal experience of being in the "kangaroo court" in Humboldt, you know the answer. 

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