Dec 9, 2021

I gave you every chance since August 24 before I did this post


Corbett Craig Petersen was arrested for a DUI on August 24.

People get DUIs all the time. Some are reported; others are not. Corbett  frequently comments on Facebook and online and has on my blog and Facebook page. I wont disclose his other name on just as I haven't some others who "anonymously comment."

I held off on reporting on this one and hoped Corbett would contact me and explain what happened. I hoped he was getting help and taking responsibility. He reads my blog and he has always been respectful in his communications.

Corbett was very upset with Arcata Mayor Brett Watson's DUI arrest. Petersen drove for Lyft and worked for Doordash which he told me in his response to Watson's arrest and his own DUI arrest is concerning.

This is often the case in Humboldt. Locally, a lot of people who frequently comment online or gossip in person about others are just as hypocritical as Corbett was about Brett Watson's arrest.

Think you have heard about every elected official and every local who has a DUI, speeding ticket, court case?

This will probably upset his family; probably Corbett. Like any DUI, court case or news reported, focus on your own behavior or family member's/friend's behavior and any addiction instead of getting angry with me for reporting facts. Corbett should be grateful I did not report this on August 24. 

I hoped to speak to Corbett before I posted anything but he failed to show up for his trial confirmation on November 15 and a bench warrant was issued. I still waited to see if his attorney would calendar a warrant surrender. It is now December 9. Nothing. 

Corbett has another previous case in the Humboldt Superior Court system. That case was dismissed.

So how does someone who likes to be visible locally, known to people in the community fail to appear for trial confirmation, do nothing about it and not turn yourself in? Corbett has a Public Defender. It won't cost him anything. For the community's safety, do the right thing Corbett. Why has Corbett not been arrested with an active warrant?

Life is tough in Humboldt. Not enough credit is given to those who, with no or minimum support and constant challenges, are not drunk, stoned or high and manage to hold a job and contribute to society daily. 

Case that was dismissed:

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