May 18, 2020

"That Alder bay story has pissed me off from the start! If we are not to travel and if we do come home Shelter in for 14 days, then that worker put all those people in risk! "

There is a lot of interest in the Alder Bay situation and people are messaging privately. I understand why people are hesitant to use their names, especially right now. Even in a positive post, they wish to remain anonymous.

This is not unusual in Humboldt but the fear generated by the pandemic and financial and social repercussions have made it worse.

One positive message I received was:

"Thanks again for your reporting ..Do you know if the Redwood Acres results are being in our daily reports ? I appreciate you for reporting the Alder Bay story ..My father in law is at ( name of care facility removed for post) ..They are doing an excellent job ...I appreciate you ....

The question about Redwood Acres was asked by someone else on social media on First District Supervisor Rex Bohn's page so maybe that could be addressed in a press release by COVID Joint Information Center.

Lack of enforcement is creating frustration in the community. I have written about my apartment complex. Despite two letters from the property management and a visit from EPD, there are still violations of the shelter in place order. Two out of state travelers/license plate just this weekend. Just like the guy from Louisiana, the chance to follow up probably will not happen until these people are gone.

I understand resources are limited. If we are concerned about community transmission, then it is time to hold irresponsible individuals accountable. Especially those who don't listen reportedly. Investigate, cite and fine.

Below is part of a message from another person. I have removed identifying information about the person at their request and the name of the businesses and school district. I explained to this person the challenge for me to verify confidential medical information from the school district. As for the local businesses, the information so far just indicates people know each other. If the local COVID 19 results in the future mention this particular school district or the two businesses, then I have the original message.

Given my own observations, I dont doubt interactions and violations are occurring in the community as described in the message below.

"That Alder bay story has pissed me off from the start! If we are not to travel and if we do come home Shelter in for 14 days, then that worker put all those people in risk! These last cases 4 of them were a family that traveled to Boise Idaho because their daughter graduated they also own a home their the dad works at the (name of removed for now) high school the mom does too, their best friends are (two well known local businesses and another friend works at the (name removed) school District all three of these families daughters tested positive and the mother they are the four. I know them all . Now the employees at the school are all getting tested today. I am mad I am angry and when people do this they put the rest of us in jeopardy! I haven’t worked for 3 mths,  I would like to go back to work. Everybody is essential. Sorry for the rant ! Have a great day !"

"I hate living in fear and other people living in fear. I am not for the hotline snitching the sheriffs department should be out chasing bad guys instead of worrying about who’s calling in on that hotline I’m almost over the sheriff now to. Thank you for listening." This is from the person who sent the message regarding Alder Bay and the school district.

As I was working on this post and other news this morning, it was reported that a 97 year old resident of Alder Bay Assisted Living who contracted COVID-19 had died. This is Humboldt's first COVID 19 related death. Dr. Teresa Frankovich will release a statement later.

People feel they are not being listened to or treated equally and it is a valid concern.

Another media outlet published information about Target. While they did not name the person, there was enough including shift and type of work that people in a small community can figure out. So everyone okay with that article better not judge the people speaking up in this article.

1 comment:

  1. I think everyone returning to work should get tested....I am on furlough from a hospital.. I take comfort in knowing that when I return to work..that I've done it with negative results from the all starts with you ....Watch out for yourself.


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