May 9, 2020

PG & E confirms test today responsible for 15 minute service disruption in Fortuna

Today (Saturday, May 9, 2020), PG&E conducted a test as part of the process to be able to provide power to many Humboldt County residents directly from the Humboldt Bay Generating Station (HBGS).

Known as “islanding,” this will allow portions of Humboldt County to be separated from the larger grid and be energized exclusively from HBGS during an outage in another part of the state that is impacting power to Humboldt.

All indications are that the test was a success, and we are now focused on reviewing and analyzing the results and data.  During the test, there was a 15-minute disruption of service to approximately 3,500 customers in and around Fortuna. We appreciate our customers patience during this brief outage.

The test was a positive step forward in allowing us greater capability to support our customers in the region.  We will continue to fine-tune the system and make additional transmission upgrades to improve functionality and will continue to update our partners and the public on the progress.

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