May 9, 2020

CAL OES sends letter to Sutter County regarding eligibility for disaster funding

Last Week Yuba and Sutter Counties said they were going to go against the Governors orders and open things up. Alcoholic and Beverage Control Agents showed up and told Restaurant/Drinking establishments we will pull your license and not return if you defy Governors order our Cosmetology profession got a letter saying the same thing in their regulated sanitary businesses of State licenses being pulled. We are going to open more businesses next week and more the next week.  I am not saying sit back stand Up call your State Reps, the Governor I believe he has heard us as his time table has been pushed forward But if you read this letter you will see if we have a surge and we are in defiance of our Governor it’s on us. 100 cases without State and Federal Assistance will Bankrupt your County. I want to open up!!  Slowly, Safely and Quickly but I am not going to support possibly Bankrupting our County and at the same time saving our local businesses from the same fate. Listen to our Health Officers and our Sheriff they really are trying to do what’s right for us and get  Humboldt Open ." First District Supervisor Rex Bohn

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