Feb 15, 2018

Windy Dare acknowledges the change in behavior she saw in Jane Doe # 1

Windy Dare took the stand late Tuesday afternoon after both her daughters had testified that her husband Mark Dare had molested them.

Her testimony continued on Wednesday Windy Dare's testimony and demeanor was slightly different on Wednesday morning. You could tell she had received some feedback and either been told or read the coverage on this case.

Windy Dare acknowledged her younger daughter's behavior changed gradually and changed in the last year. Jane Doe #1 used to be a giggly, loving child.

Previous posts:
(Jane Doe #1's testimony)
(links to previous coverage)

1 comment:

  1. Windy Dare... you will never be able to redeem yourself for not protecting your daughters! Children expect their parents to Love Them Unconditionally! Choosing to dismiss their revelations of sexual assault was WRONG! Supporting this man in the face of evidence is WRONG! How could you betray them? Your denial has done so much more emotional damage. What about your son? Pedophiles don’t care if the child is female or male. Do you really know he’s OK? Would you believe him? You and you group are not behaving very “Christian”. Prayer will not help Dare but you praying for the healing of the children might. It’s impossible to honor thy Mother and Father, when they are hurting you. You may want to review your scriptures and pray for the healing of your children! This situation is the Ultimate betrayal by him, by you, and your “Christian” buddies.


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