Feb 15, 2018

""I believe it was second or third grade when it began"

Jane Doe #2  said, "I believe it was second or third grade when it began," referring to her alleged molestation by Mark Dare.

Jane Doe #2 also broke down in tears as she testified that she woke up to Dare rubbing her clitoris and he said, "That probably calmed you down."

Jane Doe # 2 testimony took the stand after her younger sister. She corroborated the timeline and details of when they moved into the Humboldt Hill house etc. Jane Doe #2 is 19 years old. She added one detail that at one point the girls had separate bedrooms. She also said she was a heavy sleeper so when she shared the room with Jane Doe #1.

Jane Doe #2 mentioned an incident in which she alleges that Mark Dare left bruises on Jane Doe #1 because she would not go to bed. Jane Doe #2 took pictures on her cell phone and sent them them to her dad. This led to an investigation and Jane Doe #2 said that Windy Dare told them they would go to foster care and so would their younger brother so they downplayed the situation.

I have done two summary posts on the preliminary. Mark Dare has been held to answer on the charges.

I am updating some of posts in this case as my schedule permits.

Previous posts:
(Jane Doe #1's testimony)
(links to past coverage)


  1. Gee thanks for covering Windy. Mark sexually and physically assaulted your children and you threatened them with foster care. How about you kick his sorry ass out. What a mess you’ve both made. What a failure of parenting, by allowing it to continue. You are just as disgusting as he is. “Thanks for the memories mom”, will probably not be a sentiment you’ll get from your kids. Didn’t I read that you were abused as well? That should have made you understand how horrible it is. It should have made you want to protect your children. People like you enable pedophiles to perpetuate the cycle of violence. Thank you again John. Your relentless digging into the backgrounds of people like these, help demonstrate the patterns of the classic dysfunctional family. You are helping educate the readers by giving them the whole picture! Great job.

    1. Thanks Majestic. In the last couple months, I turned off the anonymous unregistered option for many reasons I have explained before. People can still comment anonymously like you. There are many people that do not want to comment on the blog but will contact me personally or via email. Thank you for providing a voice and representing them on the blog.

  2. Thank you. This is a small town, which makes it difficult to use my actual name. If it were just myself, I would have no problem, but I have a family who shouldn’t have to be involved unless they wish to. Many people know who I am and why I’m so passionate about sexual assaults. My appreciation of your reporting is based on personal experience, having been a child of incest by my step father. When I read your reporting about these victims, I have no doubt of their honesty, and your precise reporting. These feelings can not be scripted. These victims are not actors and their absolutely raw testimony can’t be an act. Your reporting of what is happening is spot on. More reporters should take the time report the facts, not just provide a general headline and generic story. Keep it up John.


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