Feb 9, 2018

Clayton Lasinski not guilty by reason of not wanting to take responsibility?

Clayton Lasinski's declaration of doubt regarding his competency, compared to others, was rather late in his case.

There are others who have waited longer to be transported. These defendants had doubt declared very early in the case, not months later when nothing else seems to be working.

I have no sympathy for Lasinski, who has no prior record of mental health history that has been stated.

He created his own problems by fleeing from a traffic stop. Not to mention endangering other citizens while law enforcement followed his crazy escape through downtown and Old Town.

I followed his case extensively. The one hearing I did not cover was on January 29.

I  did not cover that one hearing because there were many other cases that day with actual substance to cover and  have followed a few similar cases and written often about the time it takes for someone to be transported to NAPA, the hearings that get scheduled to hold the state in contempt; eventually none of this makes a difference in when someone is transported.

Today's pre-trial conference illustrated the point I make. Clayton Lasinski had a pre trial conference  hearing scheduled today.   He has an evidentiary hearing currently scheduled for February 20 to see if Napa State Hospital should be held in contempt.

Napa State is one of five state hospitals in California.  While I understand local defense attorneys are trying to get their clients some help in many cases; declaring doubt has become a way of buying time in certain cases  and it makes a mockery of defendants genuinely needing mental health services.

The only insanity is people who think they can break the law  and then avoid accountability by stiffing it to the taxpayers by lame defense strategies because they can.

(These are the minutes from January 29)

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