Jan 13, 2018

Anonymous venting changes nothing. Businesses and politicians don't listen to anonymous; they listen to voters


While I share this poster's concerns, he or she needs to realize that 1. Anonymous venting achieves nothing.

 2. Educate himself/herself that Eureka Police Department is trying but the real problem is private property owners who do not complain to EPD about trespassers or loiterers or take responsibility for their properties and City Hall.

City Manager Greg Sparks and the three progressive City Councilmembers prefer to focus on handing out free containers for needles instead of doing anything remotely resembling that attracts new and private business to the area.

The City of Eureka does not hold all slumlords/landlords in Eureka responsible for vacant, abandoned and problem properties. They should start fining them. The City won't because the few landowners that own most of the properties and their equally corrupt business buddies will shut down any such proposal unless the public shows up in great numbers.

3. If you want to stay anonymous, start financially and personally supporting those individuals and businesses who are speaking up for you. Soon, no one will. People like me who constantly speak up and take the risk will move or stop because we also need to make a living.

4. As someone suggested on another issue, get the state involved and make written complaints. When it starts affecting the pocketbooks of the politicians and businesses, they will listen.

While I say he or she, this is most likely one of those anonymous male keyboard warriors from the overabundance of anonymous Facebook pages or blogs ranting and not showing up for one Eureka City Council meeting . All this time people spend kvetching on social media but no time doing anything that is a solution.

That is Humboldt's number one problem. Most individuals and businesses stay quiet, and let a few bear the financial and personal brunt and nothing changes.


  1. Hush hush, anonymous, lest someone explores your thoughts and theories and backs you. The last thing Humboldt needs is freedom of speech.

    1. Hush,Hush, always anonymous. Freedom of speech is allowed and in plenty. Some use it occasionally to offer thoughts and avoid being stalked by relentless trolls. Others like you Humboldt anonymous do nothing but complain, gossip, malign and are cowardly with nothing to offer. If you have truth behind you, then why are you concerned about using your name?

  2. Your style of lumping every person who differs from your thoughts and ideals a moron or a troll is more than annoying. It's no wonder there aren't more posters.

    1. No,not everyone, just the same pattern, the same lame argument, the same denial, the same behavior. Said this several times but you don't read, do you?

      Only a troll with no life and nothing to offer would sit around for hours until the anonymous option is turned on again and offer nothing new or relevant to the topic.

      I moderate and have no need to publish irrelevant drivel to prove anything to you or anyone. Why are you releatedly here if you don't like the site? There are plenty of other local options for you to post nonsense. Other than to troll and stir up shit.

      It is obvious that anons with different opinions are published. All you do is waste my time and that of serious readers. I predict that your next response will be the same. Have you ever submitted anything relevant to the topic? Nope.

    2. What is sad anon is that most persistent local trolls are people needing mental help or unemployed and venting their frustrations.The few and annoying ones are the local business owners and people employed doing who knows what or in government jobs that take offense at being called out and use the cowardly anon online option in Humboldt on blogs and Facebook. The statement you made to me about lumping people is not even original. It is identical to what someone who could not deal with facts reported yelled at me in person. I feel sorry for his fledgling business and staff. He thought the world of me when he liked what I reported.

      99% of anon disgruntled comments on this blog or anywhere else are from someone exposed and scared of the truth. There is more moderation now on other sites. Keep up the trolling because it is working "so well". It does amuse me because the more you cyberstalk, the more you acknowledge my effectiveness, so please don't stop.


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