Apr 30, 2024

Hey Mikey and Gavin, Calpoly police broke your CA law when they arrested a reporter


Of the 25 arrests last night, only four names appeared on today's jail log. The booking charges for Molly Taylor, Launa Rose Wyrd, Ava Townsend and KRCR/KAEF reporter Adelmi Ysita are the same with one less charge for Launa . Adelmi is a reporter and according to a bill authored by Mike McGuire and signed by Gavin Newsom should not have been arrested. Adelmi was told she isn't being charged. That is moot. She should have never been arrested and while she was working. According to a transcript on ABC 7 Chicago, not even allowed to call her boss. 

Many media reported on Senate Bill 98 and summarized it, I chose this excerpt from Sacramento Bee because it includes both Gavin Newsom and Mike McGuire. Did Mikey forget the bill he authored when he sent out the press release about Cal Poly Humboldt today? CalPoly police officer S. Kotterman and interim Vice Chief Janelle Jackson arrested KRCR/ KAEF reporter Adelmi Ruiz. This isn't Samantha Luna, Janelle. You have worked for multiple local law enforcement and gone on trainings. We all saw and heard the livestream and your arrest of Adelmi. To say, I am disappointed is an understatement. We had very friendly, professional, respectful interactions before. I have posted about your trainings and conferences no one else reported. I cannot even find Kotterman on the Cal Poly police list on the website but the name is familiar. Kotterman is the one who ziptied Adelmi. Still waiting to hear why RHBB and LOCO weren't arrested for being on campus? 

"Police must allow journalists access to closed-off demonstrations and protests, under a new law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom."

"The new law, Senate Bill 98, requires that journalists be given unfettered access to closed-off protests, and prohibits law enforcement officers from assaulting, interfering or obstructing journalists from covering such events."

"Journalists at such scenes 'shall not be cited for the failure to disperse,violation of a curfew or resisting arrest,' according to a California Senate floor analysis of the bill."

"The bill’s author, Sen. Mike McGuire, D-Healdsburg, argued that while California law permitted journalists access to closed areas during emergencies and natural disasters, those protections didn’t extend to covering demonstrations, marches, protests and rallies."-- Sacramento Bee

I am not posting the entire Cal Poly Humboldt 8:13 p.m. update, especially since they released different numbers of arrest and who was arrested to different media and news of certain arrests like the faculty member I posted hours ago. Whatever modified commencement is you can check on the website. I am including the part about arrest numbers and their claim of no reported injuries.

Per Sherriff Honsal, 13 of those arrested have bailed out of jail

This per Sheriff William Honsal at 1:41 p.m. The Cal Poly Humboldt press release earlier said 25 people were arrested. 

The pro Gaza supporters which is what I will call them from now on have every right to have their space and not talk to any media. From what I have seen at the jail, their interactions on the ground floor with HCSO staff, they have been very respectful, trying to find out bail information and procedures.

2:20 One of the security guards on the 5th street entrance , Josh just snitched on a pro Gaza supporter to First District Supervisor Rex Bohn who is headed out. Now, he can claim he was doing his job. Somehow he knew or claims hat is one of the women arrested. She may not know any security procedures. Don't be all nice to her than suck up to Rex. Josh is being all palsy with the protestors. Rex saw me, Josh thought I had left. Rex claimed the "protesters were told to disperse 7 times." Josh was complaining about the "protestors" and according to Rex, "they are where they are supposed to be." Rex also hi fived Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees.

I am sure next time I see Josh, he will have something to say. I will tell him that I wrote what I observed. All other security guards do their job, exchange some pleasantries while Josh is yakking it up with the DA employees, the County employees and sucking up to the CAO and supervisors. Josh, they didn't offer you the CO job and they won't do anything else for you. I am so over two faced,  back stabbing people taking advantage because they have some kind of "authority." At least, Cartman is funny.

"Fire Roger Rees", Cal Poly Humboldt professor rejects bond, goes on hunger strike

Deputy Roger Rees just told,"I hope your job is gone next year." I heard someone laugh from the direction where Roger Rees is standing.

The other images sent to via a tip. Some names match arrests from today's jail log.

Honking at 12:03 still in support of students and Gaza supporters. At 12:38, the same support. Roger Rees still here. Ryan Hutson from RHBB just got here. At 12:42, Roger Rees told me he is on his own time. Maybe Ryan Burns should clean out his ear wax because there was loud honking as recent as 2:56 when I left the courthouse. You can hear it on at least two of the many videos I posted. Just Roger Rees and one guy left, two left. Few pro Gaza supporters also left but some are scattered around the Courthouse.

I have contacted Sheriff Honsal about claims that students and those arrested are being denied phone calls and are being separated.

Part of Sheriff Honsal's response: "Thank you for your question, so you can dispel any rumors out there.  No arrestee has been denied the use of a phone.   When you arrest 25 people, the first that get processed and booked will be the first to make phone calls.     All arrestees have been cooperative and they are making their calls within the 3 hours of being booked. "

This is more of our email exchange.

I had a conversation with someone at the courthouse who said, why dont the students put this energy into an issue affecting the community. I didnt tell him, why don't you? But I did say, why don't people with money and power in start making a difference and take on Rex Bohn or Michelle Bushnell. This person could have made a difference in exposing ousted Gregory Kreis. He did not. The same person, who like many benefitted from the posts, the booking photos on my blog and was able to get a name and recover stolen property. Bail bonds, law enforcement, businesses, realtors, attorneys many people benefit from my work.In return, they invest nothing.  Lot of people appreciate my work but it has been the same people who financially show that appreciation whether they are advertisers or subscribers. After today, this man probably won't talk to me but he is typical of the many in Humboldt who whine and complain about the very people I expose yet do nothing. Anonymously anyone can kvetch,  comment, attack, spread lies about me or about these students because they got told inconvenient truths. What pisses these weak losers is that despite all their attacks, they see their efforts to wear down decent people fail; the perseverance  angers them and they respond with brute force and abuse and in numbers like cowards.

"No racist police" " No more money for Israel slaughter" "No more money for Israel crimes"


The group of 10 protestors has grown near the Courthouse and jail to about 100. "No more cops on Wiyot " "End the blockade, break the seige" "Stop the USA war machine" "Biden pick a side", "We are all Palestians." "I believe that we will win"

"No racist police" " No more money for Israel slaughter" "No more money for Israel crimes" are some other chants.

11: 22 Across  the street is Deputy DA Roger Rees with 4 pro Israel protestors. Is he on County payroll? With Deputy DAs Alex Grotewohl and Emily Noorgaard's last day, shouldn't he be working.

I dont see any other media, except me and KAEF. At 11:30 LOCO's Ryan Burns showed up. KAEF and Ryan Burns was here briefly and left a while back.

People honking and supporting the students overwhelmingly, yelling "Free Palestine." So far every car has honked in support of the students and protestors for Gaza. This is for over 20 minutes I have been here. From the smiles at the courthouse, the streets, the feedback I got,there are a lot of people who support the students. People in a small County are not going to be open for obvious reasons. Arresting people has a chilling effect on expressing opinions and Humboldt was full of fear before the arrests last night.

11:40 First District Supervisor Rex Bohn just came out. He just spoke to a woman dressed in pink. Have no idea who she is because she disappeared, then showed up.around the protestors. She is not a part of the student group.

Rex is still standing and hovering over the protestors like he did over former auditor controller Karen Paz Dominguez. Rexy left at 11:46.

"We are political prisoners" "There is no riot here, why are you in riot gear."

I don't blame the chants after what happened early a.m., last night and since the first day when police showed up in riot gear.

KRCR reporter arrested, "only 3 of them have cameras on"


Like cowards, around 3 a.m. 15 to 20 protestors were arrested. On one video, you can hear "only 3 of them have their cameras on." Conveniently, HCSO is still not linked to Vinelink. On livestream you hear KRCR/KAEF reporter Adelmi Ruiz say I have been here all night and an officer say, "You had an opportunity to leave." "Find a different job, if this causes you to break the law."

6:38 a.m. on 4/30  just checked with jail,   Ruiz was no longer in custody. I spoke with Nazy and she confirmed Adelmi was detained and released. 

This arrest of a journalist was covered nationally.

Shame on Cal Poly Humboldt to do this in the middle of the night. Arresting reporters? HCSO settled a lawsuit before before excessive force against a member of the press. I have linked it before, involved Deputies Conan Moore and Travis Mendes.

I hope Cal Poly gets sued. Ryan Hutson was on campus for RHBB? Lost Coast Outpost was on scene. Why weren't they asked to leave or detained? Guess if you have the special favor of Rex Bohn, Michelle Bushnell and Billy Honsal and the good ole Humboldt boys, you can wander around. On RHBB, it states reporters tried to cover and were pushed back. KMUD got the same treatment. This is how the good ole Humboldt boys deal with any scrutiny.

 Thank god for videos of the actual protest and arrests filmed by other people and the livestream of how Adelmi was arrested and spoken to by law enforcement. Can you trust LOCO with ads from Cal Poly Humboldt and the County?

So why were certain reporters detained who actually work for mainstream media and have credntials unlike Dumboldt? Sheriff Honsal personally gets back to RHBB but HCSO cant even have an assigned PIO?

The usual ignorant repeat anons on LOCO are arguing with one person on why it is wrong to arrest a journalist. The anon coward hate on LOCO and RHBB should use their names. The same bitter, less than a handful angry trolls spewing and hiding behind a screen for over decades. Losers who have never taken a stand, never made a difference or contributed to making this world better. I bet most of them are conservative. Humboldt Reddit has been infiltrated with the same losers and obvious plants trying to push certain insider sources as usual. The good ole boys and a certain group cannot stand independent thought.

Deputy DA Roger Rees was practically gleeful this morning at the courthouse.

7:42 Glad I waited to add the press release sent at 7:03 from Cal Poly with remarks from Sheriff Billy Honsal, Cal Poly Humboldt Police Chief Peter Cress shortly because they just sent an update that the official number of people arrested was 25, not 35. The actions of Cal Poly admin and law enforcement speak louder than these meaningless words.

Saw some students, protestors, supporters outside the jail on the sidewalk around 7:30.

Jail log only has 4 arrests listed including Adelmi.

9:45 Spoke with about 10 students, they do not want to be photographed and I respect that, I told them I would not anyway. They feel let down by certain media who were on campus after last night and I don't blame them. Unfortunately, it makes it harder for the rest of us that are doing our job.

Vinelink is down for the second day, they are trying to bail some people out, bail seems to be $10,000 for most protestors. I am going to try and speak to Sgt. Christian in person. He is not in. At least I know how to get information and I am having a hard time. Imagine if you are a student. I directed the students to where they can get information. Even jail staff was unaware that Vinelink is down. More cutting off vital information needed by media, bail  bonds representatives and anyone trying to help protestors. At 8:27 p.m. Sgt. Christian emailed me and said they are working on the issue.

Another Cal Poly Humboldt press release at 8:11 that you can read below.

Apr 29, 2024

San Francisco PD confirms they are here, Cal Poly Humboldt students get support from Allison Krause's daughter

I asked for documenation of this claim.

This is what I received from Xanadu.

My response to Xanadu. I also added I deleted the email so cannot check the time stamp. It was posted on Cal Poly Humboldt website at 4:19.

Isolation is a tool of the devil. Cal Poly wants no press, no faculty, no outside observers so they can continue their spin. The students are correct, the bullies are trying to wear them down.

7:50: Either law enforcement is waiting until night when people outside campus and leave and it is dark or Cal Poly admin realize their bully tactics backfired again and don't know how to get themselves out of the corner they created. 

People who showed up to support protestors outside campus chanting "No more cops on Wiyot land" and "Hey hey ho ho, all the cops have got to go"

Posted on Twitter X at 8:25. That 10 p.m. timeline may be correct.

9 p.m. Cal Poly Humbodt Police Chief Peter Cress declares unlawful assembly, if people don't leave, they are told they could be subjected to arrest, pepper spray and plastic bullets. KCRA reporter mentioned in tweet below. Protestors have legal hotline, media contact information which includes CBS.

9:45 Chief Cress accidentally said it is 2 a m.,  says you have 15 minutes to disperse. 10 a.m Chants of "Cops go home" A police vehicle leaves. "Stop, Stop Genocide", "Stop bombing children.:

10:12: No law enforcement action. 10:25 CHP parked by entrance. No action. 10:31 nothing 10:37 Still nothing Chants of "Hands, hands off our students, we are watching you." 10:41 "We want cops off our campus" 10:45 An hour later CHP standing around twiddling their thumbs. Chants of "Shame on you" 10:52 one of the organizers said "they are just trying to tire you out, rest as much as you can, we are on the right side of history".  Several reports of a person being  detained or arrested but only KRFH had some details such as person on their way to dorm near campus apartments, not given time to comply and not read their rights, cuffed and led away by multiple law enforcement officers.

11:30 KRFH reports 15 cars have left Blue Lake and are on their way to campus. Lumberjack spoke to police officers. Two standing next to a sign saying campus was closed claimed they had no idea and were there to direct traffic. It is getting late. Cal Poly police knows what media is local,what media is there, Probably waiting until there is no one watching or no active livestream. 11:40 another dispersal announcement. KRFH says this is the 8th dispersal announcement.

12:06: KRFH reports some people leaving protest. Speculation police maybe back in the morning. Lumberjack and KRFH are the only ones still reporting.

DA press release on Castillo leaves out details again like the mixed verdict


I covered the Earl Castillo case and the verdict. The DA's press release, as we know from the Sam Williams case, leaves out details. Court minutes have sentencing details for each count and the court fines.

CHP from Laytonville? SWAT teams? Aid requested from Bay Area?


I do not know who made this poster but it is hilarious. Cal Poly protestors could fundraise with "Where is Tom Jackson" board game.

This is what Cal Poly admin is afraid of?

San Francisco PD confirms they are assisting Cal Poly Humboldt police.

Hundreds of law enforcement and SWAT teams and police presence again because Cal Poly admin screwed up. How will all these law enforcement being at Cal Poly Humboldt affect law enforcement response to real crimes and emergency in Humboldt and California? Civil lawyers should include a thank you note to Cal Poly admin and all the idiots who okayed this massive law enforcement deal you with their bill for attorney fees and legal costs.

Why should taxpayers suffer for Cal Poly bureaucrat failure? Cal Poly admin needs to admit they made a mistake, got owned by students. Tom Jackson needs to man up and show his face.  Gavin Newsom needs to send in professional mediators and fire Cal Poly bureaucrats for allowing this situation to get out of control on the very first day by overreacting.

LOCO too busy doing PR for their minority owner couldn't even be bothered to do some work. On their Facebook page, some readers mentioned law enforcement cars at a hotel in Fortuna and the possibility of law enforcement at Bear River and people getting hotels mixed up. LOCO has enough staff and could have checked it out. As someone else pointed out, trolls could have spread the word about Blue Lake Rancheria or harassed them. 

Kyle Berryman arrested for failure to disperse at scene of riot, trespassing, criminal threats, false imprisonment by Cal Poly Humboldt police


The name sounded familiar. Then I saw the charges on the Humboldt jail log. This arrest cannot be found on the Cal Poly Humboldt crime log.

Kyle Steven Berryman was arrested by Cal Poly Humboldt police yesterday at 11:30 p.m. and booked for PC 422 criminal threats, PC 236 false imprisonment, PC148 (a) (1) resisting arrest, VC 2800.2 reckless evading of a police officer, VC 22450(a) running a stop sign, PC 409 failure to disperse at scene of riot and PC 602 trespassing. Berryman was arrested by former HCSO deputy Joe Conlin who now works for Cal Poly Humboldt police. Bail is $25,000.

Booking photo has been requested. If you rely on Vinelink for notification, Humboldt County Sheriff system, which is rarely down, is offline. I have informed HCSO and Captain Duane Christian. When this happened in the past, it is always after a weekend and I would inform former HCSO PIO Samantha Karges. The County cutting corners, outsourcing tech and this is the result.

I  hope this is a technical issue and not a convenient offline status hours after KRFH was told that 200  police were being mobilized and supposed to converge on Cal Poly Humboldt campus today.  More sites going offline including San Francisco Sherriff.

The image below is from a Facebook profile for Kyle Berryman who comments on Lost Coast Outpost.

Apr 28, 2024

So the Cal Poly Humboldt update today was a distraction


This was posted two hours ago.

Deputy Public Defender talks to witness, judge finds violation of motions in limine and jury trial of convicted felon with 5 open cases maybe in jeopardy


Convicted felon Jesus Loza Zamacona has five cases on calendar on 4/29/24. There was a jury trial going on in his felon in possession of a firearm, felon in possession of ammunition and three strikes case. On 4/25, Deputy District Attorney Ian Harris informed Judge Lawrence Killoran about a conversation between Deputy Public Defender David Nims and a witness. There was an evidence hearing. Judge Killoran found there was a violation of  motions in limine. Mr. Harris requested that the Public Defenders office be relieved and new counsel be appointed. Judge Killoran had further discussions which included Public Defender Luke Brownfield and Deputy Public Defender Casey Russo. This was all outside the presence of the jury. Jurors were told to return Monday. His other 4 cases are trailing and include charges of domestic violence, violation of a court order, lewd act with a minor and child abuse or endangerment.

Very troubling allegations made by Raymond Bacon and his partner against each other, who is protecting the children?


I reported on April 8 that 47 year old Raymond Bacon was arrested by Eureka Police Department. He is Yurok Tribe's Economic Development Corporation's executive director. According to his Linkedin profile, he previously worked at Cher Ae Heights Casino. His Facebook profile says he is the former Chairman of the Yurok Tribal Gaming Commission. Bacon was booked for PC273(a)(b) willful child endangerment, PC 236 false imprisonment and PC 273.5 (a) corporal injury to a spouse  or cohabitant.

I looked up court records from Humboldt Superior Court on Bacon. The restraining order confirms a tip I received that Bacon was arrested after the restraining order was granted. As I reported in previous coverage, Yurok Tribe Councilmember Sherri Provolt is Bacon's boss. I have also reported on her son John Provolt's indecent exposure case for an alleged incident at Good Relations in Eureka.

CalPoly Humbolt estimates cost of "illegal activities" to be in the millions


Cal Poly Humboldt just released a statement. 

The students have not responded and the response to this statement is a mix of differing views we have already heard. The administration refuses to acknowledge that they escalated by calling in the police. The water jug and video has gone viral. Sending in police with gear like that was dumb. There was no need for the over the top police presence that first day. From both sides, there has been nothing new in these constant updates and still no idea about Humboldt graduation. As long as law enforcement remains on campus, the Cal Poly administration is responsible for this stalemate. 

Someone claims to have video. Post it. Otherwise it is just unverified chatter.

Why has this "press" person not reported or provided proof. If it is local "media" who was on scene, I don't expect an answer or actual guts and journalism.

Cal Poly administration doubling down by sending out these ridiculous updates instead of saying we overreacted, opening the campus and keeping law enforcement around and on call. These are the "geniuses"who thought students should live on a barge  because they did not plan ahead. How much money is Blue Lake Rancheria making on rooms rented to law enforcement who are not needed? Why are these administrators being paid for days of allowing Humboldt to be a national embarassment in the headlines?