Jan 7, 2021

Twitter is asking questions that the media should be and was yesterday an orchestrated coup?

Vice President Mike Pence, not Donald Trump was the one facilitated with the Pentagon and approved to decision to get the D.C. National Guard to the U.S. Capitol while his supporters were attacking, ransacking and looting government property.

Trump initially resisted deploying the National G Guard and it was Vice President Pence who urged a faster response. 

This is according to a few reports, including CNN and New York Times.

At a press conference, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan said the Department of Defense “repeatedly denied” his request to authorize deployment of Maryland’s National Guard troops to assist yesterday. 

This is while legislators are sheltering, the mob is attacking law enforcement and journalists and destroying and stealing government property.

The Washington Post reports that The Pentagon placed significant restrictions on the D. C. National Guard just days before of Trump supporters were expected to be in D. C.

In memos issued on January 4 and 5, the Pentagon prohibited the D. C. National Guard from receiving ammunition or riot gear, interacting with protesters unless necessary for self-defense, sharing equipment with local law enforcement or using Guard surveillance and air assets without the defense secretary's explicit sign-off.

The D. C Guard was also told it would be allowed to deploy a Quick Reaction Force only as a measure of last resort. The need for higher-level approval slowed the response and deployment of the D.C. Guard yesterday.

Unlike states where Governors can deploy the National Guard, the Defense Department was able to restrict the D.C National Guard because the military force answers to the President instead of the mayor since D.C. is not a state.

In earlier posts, I reported that the D.C mayor wants control of the D.C. National Guard transferred to her; the refusal of help by Capitol police and that it was Vice President Pence who was instrumental in getting the National Guard to the Capitol yesterday.

In November, Trump replaced top Pentagon officials with loyalists. It was Trump who invited his supporters to D.C on January 6. It was known millions would be in D. C. and protesting the certification of the electoral college vote.

Why restrict the D.C. Guard on January 4 and 5? Why delay the response of the National Guard? Wby did the Capitol police refuse help when the DOJ and FBI reached out to them in advance?

Twitter is asking questions that the media should be.  Was yesterday an orchestrated coup? After yesterday, why is Pence not invoking the 25th amendment?

The mass resignations and exits since yesterday. Staunch Trump allies suddenly distancing themselves. A carefully worded, taped video from Trump more than 24 hours later and only after impeachment and 25th amendment is mentioned. 

Still not taking responsibility. Still no concession. Still no remorse from Trump. 

There are talks of more attacks and Trump in his latest video tells his supporters "our incredible journey is just beginning."

Will add remarks from the Brian Williams show on MSNBC from Lt General Russel Honore. 

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