May 1, 2020

It is not the property management company's job to enforce the local laws, do your job EPD management and Eureka Code Enforcement

When law enforcement decides to enforce wearing facial coverings for everyone, especially repeat offenders, then I will take it seriously.

I am wearing a facial covering out of choice. If I am around people and cannot observe the physical distancing, I will wear it. I or anyone else do not need the sanctimonious looks from people  if I or anyone else remove our facial covering for a few minutes to breathe or any health related reason.

Walking just a few blocks, I took some photos of people without facial coverings. The first  photo is of people in my apartment complex this evening. They start moving further apart when they see me taking the photos.

They won't wear facial coverings, they won't observe physical distancing but they can smoke all day long endangering other people with their smoke and selfishness.

The other photo is an older one but both of these guys have not observed physical distancing or the facial covering since the order went into effect. See the one guy in common. None of these people work. Two of them have had visitors over, including a guy from Louisiana. I called and gave apartment numbers, specifics and no follow up from EPD or Code Enforcement and the guy was here three days. This is two blocks from City Hall and there are enough EPD officers in the area responding to calls.

There have been repeat violations of the order and I have called the COVID tip line. I did not today because EPD leadership and Code Enforcement have failed to do their job. COVID tip line does an excellent job.

EPD Chief Steve Watson is well aware of the issues at this property. Eureka Code Enforcement is also aware. All they have done is call the property management regarding the shelter in place order.

They called the Property Management Company who sent a letter. The violations continued. The Property Management sent another letter just this afternoon.  The same tenants ignore it today. I dont want a letter because a few tenants are breaking the law. EPD knows the laws being broken by two of these tenants involve  more than the health order and have been ongoing for months.

The officers and dispatchers are not the problem. It is the criminal enabling City Council and weak EPD leadership who wont stand up to this useless Council or the bleeding hearts that sit in their NIMBY houses making excuses for bums, junkies and criminals.

EPD leadership made the decision what calls get a physical response during the pandemic.

Our police officers and dispatchers are exhausted. Our officers are exposed to health risks by these irresponsible people. More than  Dean Lotter needs to be ousted and replaced.  Chief Watson got this job because certain community members organized and expressed support for him. I have been very supportive and complimentary of him in the past but dissapointed with EPD leadership during this pandemic.

It is not the property management company's job to enforce the local laws, do your job EPD management and Eureka Code Enforcement.

I am sick of being under house arrest, having to do my job with junkies screaming outside and unruly tenants all day and night. I have been physically threatened  by both for standing up for myself and my neighbors. Businesses and other citizens are suffering because local politicians and local law enforcement leaders are penalizing the wrong people. They are too afraid of Gavin the dictator.  Other rural counties sent a letter to the Governor and are speaking up for the people.

Either cite, fine these repeat offenders, put them under house arrest or rescind the order.

If EPD Captain Brian Stephens has hours to stand outside watchful peaceful citizens today at the Courthouse then he can pay a visit to the sex offender and the other two morons at my apartment complex. Letters and education are not working.

I don't want to hear about how contagious COVID 19 is until I see the law enforced and these irresponsible people face consequences.

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