May 1, 2020

First, he backpedaled on all beaches, now we are many days, not weeks from lifting restrictions in California

First, Gavin Newsom capitulated and did not close down all beaches in California. Then, he clarified his statewide order.

Today, in his daily Gavin Newsom show, hinted that more restrictions may be lifted sooner than previously indicated.

"We're getting very close to making very meaningful augmentations to that stay-at-home order. We said 'weeks, not months' about four or five days ago. I want to say 'many days, not weeks'."

Newsom "we're getting very, very close" to lifting restrictions on more businesses, including the retail, hospitality and restaurant sectors. Newsom said he'd elaborate on those changes next week.

1 comment:

  1. It seems democratic socialism has prevailed already. This is now a complete centrally planned economy. Surveillance and snitching is prevalent. Peaceable assembly, even worship, is prohibited. Scientific speech is censored. Propaganda prevails and government reserves the right to tread on us at will. Cops tell beachgoing seniors they can't sit in chairs and intimidate suburban moms for letting their kids play.
    If it walks like a duck...
    We all can kiss our freedom good bye. All current non first responder County state and federal government employees need to be stopped being paid at this point right now and this thing will end in 2 hours.


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