Jul 25, 2018

Monty, why didn't you mention your screaming and being verbally abusive to City workers in your bs version of the "native garden" story?

Monty Caid, your attempt to stir up shit about your "native garden" backfired on you. Majority of online commenters saw through your BS.

I called you out last Friday in a post.  Was not going to again but you left out a few facts in your selective, self serving attempt.

You and mommy dearest Xandra Manns have been using your bully pulpit to prevent anything from being done to clean up this area and garden for years.

1. You and your mother do not live or work in this neighborhood. I do, as do many others. We also pay taxes and outrageous business license fees for the privilege of having a business located in Old Town.

2. This is City property, not your property.

3. You offered to volunteer. You did nothing.

In the last three years, I have seen you maybe two or three times. Usually after I or others complained to the City and sent in photos. You did nothing to clean up or maintain the property.

4. I have seen you here more often since Friday then I have in three years. You were screaming at City workers, who were polite and working very hard to fix the mess you created by your inaction over several years.

4. You are lucky that no one sued you or your business for a tree limb falling on their car. I say sue you because you were the one who volunteered to maintain the place and and would come over if there were persistent complaints because even trimming limbs and foliage was not okay for the City to do. You told me so yourself one day.

You are also lucky no one got assaulted. Women who park here have had criminals, drunks, addicts  jump out of the bushes.
The women  would tell me and others they were scared to park and walk to and from their cars. Others, including me, have had to put up with threats simply walking to and from work or home from the criminal element that hid in the overgrown crap you call a garden. It was a great place to hide.

5. Unlike your bs claims, there are  calls to EPD and photos of the environmental hazard to back why the City of Eureka was forced to finally do something.

6. You screamed at the City workers, at least twice in the last two days, for doing their job. You were verbally abusive and disrespectful while they stayed calm. I was headed to the Courthouse both times or I would have videotaped you. Who do you think you are? They do not work for you nor should they have to take your verbal abuse.

7. Those of us who live and work here are not going to deal with the consequences of a whiny, spoiled, self centered bully who has no investment in this neighborhood.

8. At least twice, Take Back Eureka and the Rescue Mission had to clean up the trash and other stuff because you did nothing and addicts and bums treated this "native garden" like a dumpster and toilet. You didn't give a crap then about your plants, you hypocrite.

9. You are despicable to mislead by saying this is about the homeless. That attack and misleading strategy comes from those in denial and with an agenda.

11. It is easy to run to "select media" who have done nothing on this garden and area, do no investigation but print your crap as fact and demand answers from the City of Eureka.


"The volunteer,Monty, Xandra Manns' son, who was supposed to maintain was never here. In the last three years, I have seen him, maybe three times, for five minutes, pick up a few strands of grass and do nothing else.

Of course, when the City does clean up, he shows up. Saw him talking with a woman at 6 p.m. today.

With only 6 workers to maintain City properties, if you are going to volunteer, then do your part and don't be an obstructionist to those who live, work next to this place and have to put up with the envoronmental and other consequences of the problems with this property being maintained.

I have written several posts on the condition of the parking lot on 2nd Street between Hand I. This is just one of them.

(photos in the link)

I will not post all the other photos. Here are some of them.

This is what it looks like since the City of Eureka cleaned it up. The City Workers have been working hard since last Friday and many of us appreciate it.

The street lamps, previously hidden, now illuminate the streets and the parking lot. The area looks clean and inviting to public and the tourists. There is no yelling, screaming, people jumping out of the bushes. No needles, no litter and no trash.
Other "activity" has lessened. All improvements with a properly maintained area.

1 comment:

  1. Less is more....more safety, more comfortable, more convenient, more beautiful. Great job everyone. Thanks John.


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