Apr 3, 2018

California Democrat idea of fighting crime: restrict law enforcement

California Democrats making fools of themselves again. Instead of reacting to incidents and only holding a few bad apples accountable, let's blame all law enforcement who do their job daily and do it well.

From Wikipedia:

Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989), was a United States Supreme Court case where the Court determined that an objective reasonableness standard should apply to a civilian's claim that law enforcement officials used excessive force in the course of making an arrest, investigatory stop, or other "seizure" of his person.

"The proposed legislation would change the guidance in California’s use of force laws so that police may open fire ”‘only when necessary’ rather than ‘when reasonable,’” Sacramento-based Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D), said at a press conference Tuesday."

"He co-authored the bill with fellow Democrat Assemblywoman Shirley Weber with support from the American Civil Liberties Union and fellow members of the California Legislative Black Caucus."




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