Oct 7, 2017

"So John, this is why I am so thankful for you. You bring the evil out of the darkness"

Thank you to those of you privately contact me, make comments publicly.  This blog is for the People and will always be.
A comment on my Facebook after my recent post on the Zane student bringing the gun to school.

"I raise the bullshit flag all the way around.  Eureka City Schools is so blind to the issues prevalent within their system.  Call it what you want but the citizens see the truth.  Superintendent is a quack. They’re worried about how they look and how they’re sports teams look.  Meanwhile multiple students sit and contemplate self harm because of internal issues that go unresolved!! John Chiv hats off for rattling the cage."

A part of a comment on my latest post on John Beideman:

"So John, this is why I am so thankful for you. You bring the evil out of the darkness. You show their faces and their list of charges. They can’t hide anymore. Someone asked earlier how you handle all of the stuff you hear and read. It has to be hard but I commend you for your dedication. If something is dropped now, we have the ability to ask, what happened? You are also on top of the stories and are already looking for the disposition. It would be hard not to figure out why I appreciate your passion. I wish you were around when I was a child. Keep up the great work! You provide more of a service than you know. "


  1. We love you Johnny C!

  2. I appreciate the transparency you bring to our community and criminal justice cases. I have a personal interest in the Beideman Case, as we attended the same Church. I hope Justice is served, and I pray for his victim.


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