Oct 23, 2017

Catch up on all coverage on local attorney Andrew Stunich's case: from when the firearm was discovered by security to today's trial setting

After Andrew  Stunich's previous claim of having an attorney and no such filing in court records, I checked with the Zwerdling Law Firm today before posting on today's proceedings.
Trial setting was scheduled for local attorney Andrew Stunich this morning. Jury trial has been scheduled for February 5, unless a disposition is reached beforethat date. Trial confirmation is January 23.

The Zwerdling law firm has not officially signed up as Stunich's attorney. As indicated in court today by Stunich, the law firm would only represent him if the case went to trial. He is representing himself, for now.

Whether Stunich had a concealed and carry weapon permit for that weapon is murky. The day after the weapon was discovered at the courthouse, a source said that particular gun was not listed on his CCW.  Even if it was listed, you cannot carry a weapon into the local courthouse.

The murky part is that it us unclear whether he had a permit at one time but it was expired or that he was in the process of completing one and had not submitted it, at that time.

Unless this case goes to a preliminary hearing and/or trial, we may never know.

Previous posts:








  1. What a smuck! I'M A LAWYER-BOW AT MY FEET SUBHUMANS. Admit guilt, ask for community service and get on with your life. Your actions will guarantee NO ONE is going to use you as a lawyer.HA!!!!!!!

  2. What exactly is he wanting to take this to trial for? It's pretty cut and dry. He's not on trial for murder or moving 600 pounds of cocaine across the border, so why is he blowing it out of proportion? It's a dumb mistake that he should have known better about (unless he simply ignored the law of no weapons period in courthouses). Pay the fine, donate some time and be done with it.


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