Oct 13, 2017

An early holiday gift to CA criminals from "no consequences" Moonbeam

"Moonbeam" continues his assault on law abiding citizens while continuing to pass another law benefitting criminals. Approved Oct 11


"Existing law requires that a person who personally uses a firearm in the commission of a felony be punished by an additional and consecutive term of imprisonment in the state prison for 3, 4, or 10 years.

Existing law requires that a person who personally uses an assault weapon or a machinegun in the commission of a felony be punished by an additional and consecutive term of imprisonment in the state prison for 5, 6, or 10 years.

Existing law requires a person who personally uses a firearm to commit certain specified felonies to be punished by an additional and consecutive term of imprisonment in the state prison for 10 years, or for 20 years if he or she discharged the firearm, or for 25 years to life if he or she discharges the firearm and proximately causes great bodily harm.

Existing law prohibits the court from striking an allegation or finding that would make a crime punishable pursuant to these provisions.

 This bill would delete the prohibition on striking an allegation or finding and, instead, would allow a court, in the interest of justice and at the time of sentencing or resentencing, to strike or dismiss an enhancement otherwise required to be imposed by the above provisions of law."


  1. Defending self or others from the democrat militia called antifa will be considered a felony. So be it.
    Two can play the HIV piss toss game. No felonies there.

  2. The Gov as an -ss the first time, and he's an ever bigger -ss now. He and his sister (Gov of Oregon) are the socialists and communists of modern time.


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