Jun 5, 2017

Joshua David Grow total bail was 35,000; attorney is Ben Okin; preliminary yet to be held

Joshua David Grow was arrested January 23, 2017. He was arraigned on January 24, 2017 on one felony count. PC 288 (c) 1, Lewd act upon a child.

Grow is not in custody and bailed out on January 24 with a bail bond. Grow's attorney is Mr. Benjamin Okin. Total bail amount is 35,000.

Setting for his preliminary is scheduled for 6/22 at 10:15 a.m. The case is being prosecuted by Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Schaffer.


  1. Child molesters should not have the option of bail. They are not capable of rehabilitation. The only thing that can help a child molester is castration. There has NEVER been a child molester whom has been rehabilitated, NEVER!!!!

    1. castration does not work. the assaults are about power. a castrated molester will turn to other means to hurt and feel that power rush they crave.

  2. hope someone teaches him a lesson. apparently the courts can't or won't. he is a perv, and out amongst kids and others. someone needs to stop him

  3. Thank you for keeping us updated. I tried to find info on this online, and came up with nothing. I will be following your blog for the ruling.
    As for Joshua (JD as we all know him) I hope he understands the severity of his actions and what he has put his family through.


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