Dec 4, 2021

An attorney from a law firm represented Trevor Bohn; now the same law firm is representing NEC?


Jeff Slack and David Nims are both attorneys with the Janssen Malloy Firm.

One potential lawsuit and four existing lawsuits to be discussed during the next Humboldt Board of Supervisors closed session. Two of those lawsuits are from the North Coast Environmental Center. The constant litigation and cost to taxpayers is a concern. The bigger story is the conflicts of interests overlooked when convenient and agenda behind these lawsuits.

Did Lost Coast Outpost overlook this connection for their advertiser, Janssen Malloy? Or are they that lazy and incompetent that they can't check a simple cover sheet for a lawsuit they previously reported on? 

When LOCO reported on the second NEC lawsuit, the County hadn't even been served. Yet, NEC sent out a press release. 

LOCO  the left and local growers didn't seem to have an issue with Rex Bohn hanging out with Natalynne DeLapp. Who owns a major interest in Lost Coast Communications? They don't answer that question. There is no information; why? Can't determine potential conflicts of interests if no one knows basic information.

This was the only reference I could find and it was from a July 2020 post.

What other benefits does Lost Coast Communications get from this partial ownership by a tribe? Who else has a stake in this local "media source" in a small town?

Before LOCO points fingers at anyone or publishes press releases on alleged conflicts of interest, why isn't information that every other business and organization required to list available about Lost Coast Communications?

This faux outrage that some local growers and environmental groups are showing about alleged conflicts of interest when it suits them is not fooling anyone paying attention. If you want to point out alleged conflicts of interest, then be consistent.

Certain Supervisors, media and their cronies play both sides and try and pit people against  each other. 

LOCO seems pretty chummy these days getting more access to Rex Bohn. This NEC press release doesn't mean a thing. Look at the sudden change in coverage of the Auditor Controller by certain media including LOCO when they had no issue with her before. That doesn't seem to bother LOCO groupies and the left. The hypocrites continue to ignore what is convenient for them.

Most partisan readers regionally and nationally are biased but Humboldt hypocrisy is blatant and unapolegetic. 

LOCO and North Coast Journal  did a complete turnaround regarding the Auditor Controller and the left and suddenly became champions of former police chief Steve Watson. The same few anonymous groupies/commenters continue to nauseatingly lick the boots of the masters who throw them crumbs to feel like they are someone. 

No one in the state and nationally cares about what some anonymous online loser or 24/7 Facebook commenter thinks in what is referred hot mess aka Humboldt. Same four or five lackeys posting with multiple emails on the sites that offer the anonymous option. 

I know the real names of a few because they told me. Besides being anonymous = no credibility, they have no sway in decisions or politics in Humboldt.

Most in Humboldt have no loyalty or integrity. People switch alliances at the drop of the hat when convenient. This is a small town. If you want to explore conflicts of interest, start first by looking at yourself, your business and organization .

NEC has an issue with Trevor Bohn, Rex Bohn and Rolling Ranch but they are fine with John Richmond, son of Rollin Richmond, being in charge of the daily local newspaper. Locals are fine with a local criminal defense attorney's wife doing court coverage for LOCO; Mary Bullwinkel writing for the Times-Standard; City of Eureka hiring a current Councilmember's family as an employee; a Humboldt Victim Witness Advocate who is the daughter of former DHHS Assistant Director Barbara Lahaie. There are many such examples.

I am not defending Rex or Trevor Bohn. If you have information about Rex or any politician, use your name, file a lawsuit with the allegations and let your claims be vetted in a court of law. 

The Humboldt Auditor Controller drama has made headlines lately. Who has been in charge? The Board of Supervisors are lousy leaders with multiple conflicts of interests. They keep making bad decisions. Conflict of interest is the Humboldt way of life and overlooked when convenient.

I have written ad nauseaum about the cost of litigation to the taxpayers and I am not linking all the previous posts. 

I paid attention to litigation against the County before 2010 and since then. There have been more scandals about the County since 2010 and it seems more litigation filed and threats of litigation since 2010. So who has been in charge all the time? The County gets warned about potential litigation. They ignore. They get sued.

They continue to make bad employment decisions. Jeff Blanck, David Marcus, Blair Angus and so many more. Again; I am not linking all previous posts.

All the special interests who fund and support every single Humboldt County Board of Supervisor since 2010 are just as responsible for the Auditor Controller mess, the David Marcus debacle, the current lawsuit by former Deputy Public Defender Rory Kalin against Humboldt Superior Court Judge Gregory Elvine-Kreis, former Public Defender Marek Reavis and current Public Defender Luke Brownfield and every bad decision that costs taxpayers?

The Board of Supervisors went ahead and hired Brownfield even though they could have hired a more qualified candidate. Decisions in Humboldt are not made on talent but the good ole boy connections , who your family is  and if you play the game and the weed profits which influences every decision in this backwoods County.

That is how you get Rollin Richmond's son who failed at Lost Coast Outpost but is now in charge of Times Standard and the newspaper has worsened under his incompetent management. 

That is how you get a deputy Public Defender in a lawsuit with serious allegations hired as current Public Defender.  

The Magney case and so many other bad decisions have made Humboldt a joke in California and outside California.

The problem with these lawsuits is that the corruption goes on because people and non profits settle lawsuits the file against the County and individual cities; the attorneys collect their hefty fees and public continues to get screwed. 

Many of the local lawyers in this town won't take on the entrenched cronies in Humboldt because many of them represent these entrenched, special interests. It is easy to sue government. Not a single local lawyer will take on the corrupt landlords, the slumlords, the businesses with unfair monoplies unless they sue each other, the local court system or the cronies who profit from Humboldt County elected officials and the good ole boy network.

Most local lawyers and local businesses advertise on other local media because those other media sources know their place and will do selective coverage. 

The list of lawyers who are not from Humboldt is growing because you need someone not a part of the system and beholden to the Humboldt corrupt, small town dynamics to even have a chance at getting justice.

The state is looking into the concerns about the Auditor Controller's office. State agencies and state court agencies should be investigating all Humboldt government, law enforcement administration, courts and industries they are supposed to regulate  because these businesses receive government subsidies and not just Humboldt political witchhunts.

Let the state investigate why bids are overwhelmingly awarded to certain local companies and contractors and how much of the grant money goes to family members of cronies? How many family members are hired by the County? How many retired annuitants are employed by Humboldt County and are double dipping? If these County employees are so concerned; let us audit County finances and not just for the Auditor Controller's office.

Name me one single local business, "the rich" and "Humboldt connected" or casino in Humboldt that is not funded or supported by government money or pot or both. Even if you are not involved in profiting from weed now; if you were in the past and used that money to fund your business then you didn't get where you are based on just hard work. You gamed the system and did not pay taxes until you were required.

Got a SBDC loan? Rent to DHHS clients, SSI clients and choose them over self employed or people with private industry jobs? Local media who applied for PPP loans and have sales representatives, with all the connections you all have, you can't make it  without government assistance?

Next time any of you arrogant assholes look down on someone else, look in the mirror first because you suck from the public teat.

Even with all that weed money and government money, many of you jokers are failing or in debt. The other media may or may not know but I do about locals are out there borrowing money or broke or owe creditors so get off your high Humboldt horse and adjust your attitude.

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