May 10, 2020

"This is to say thank you and to honor essential workers, teachers, grocery, hardware, pharmacy and lab workers as well as every one in Humboldt that is staying the course."

Local rancher and McKinleyville Community Services District Vice-President Dennis Mayo approached the Humboldt Bay Sector of the U. S. Coast Guard to do a helicopter flyover of two local hospitals next week. "This is to say thank you and to honor essential workers, teachers, grocery, hardware, pharmacy and lab workers as well as every one in Humboldt that is staying the course ," he said.

Mayo's cousin has been involved in the flyovers in Washington D.C.  A conversation between them led to doing the same in Humboldt. "It was very uplifting for the crew and the workers," said Mayo.

The flyover will take place at 1:30 for Mad River Hospital and 2 p.m. at St. Joe's on May 14.

Mayo said that representatives from Humboldt County Sheriff, Eureka Police Department, Arcata Police Department, Humboldt Bay Fire, the Bloodmobile, City Ambulance, Arcata Fire, McKinleyville Community Services District are planning on participating.

"We are an awesome community," said Mayo. "If you can step outside & wave at the Coast Gaurd Helicopter that day, please do."

1 comment:

  1. The call to group think by using slogans and non sequiturs like "we are all in this together" " essential workers" is a call to throw aside any individual, independent thought and action that doesnt follow the herd. Using integrated information on what this situation is, and isnt, leads the independent thinker, those who actually consider the situation versus mindlessly accepting the assertions and dictates, to conclude this is mostly political theater and baseless hysteria.


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