May 9, 2020

Instead of lecturing the community, maybe Dr. Josh Ennis should provide facts and learn people skills

If you look at the numbers the day before, the one additional local COVID 19 case for 5/6/20 was an increase in the contact to a known case numbers. After days of no additional cases, today we have two additional cases under investigation. So far, the majority of the tests are contact to a known case or travel acquired.

With team of PR people and staff; write a better press release.

Part of the hysteria is people reacting to numbers of confirmed cases.  Most people are not going to do the daily math or pay attention. They barely read news articles in entirety.

In the daily press releases, besides stating there are additional cases, it should state which category has the increase.

There has been very little testing. We have no idea when these two people were exposed or how. With testing, numbers most likely will increase.

Dr. Frankovich is respectful in the way she communicates.

I have written before about the guy from Louisiana who was here for three days. The COVID tip line did their job. EPD or Code Enforcement should have responded to investigate. Instead, they passed the buck to the property management company.

Despite two letters from the property management company, that tenant still wont wear a facial covering or maintain physical distance.

With his age, he is in a high risk population. Until today there were and still are other tenants not following these rules. They are not going to because there are no consequences from those in authority who should be enforcing the order for repeat offenders.

Code Enforcement or EPD should have come out the first time I wrote about it. It took months of my posting on the blog to get most of these tenants to start wearing a covering. Code Enforcement or EPD to my knowledge has still not reached out to this one tenant blatantly putting the community at risk. The sex offender and his pedophile buddy started wearing a facial covering today.  Wearing is a loose term. When certain tenants see me walk by, they pull the mask over their face.

People like these should be cited and fined and thrown into jail, even for a few hours. Nothing else will get the message across.

This is just one example, there are tons of  people out there doing the same thing. Of course, there will be community transmission.

People are driving in and out of the county. Yet, local fear mongerers are still stuck on the airport. There are masks given to the homeless strewn all over the streets with other belongings dumped all over town.

You want to curb transmission, then do actual investigation and enforcement of people blatantly violating the rules.

Provide data that helps people understand the increase. For all we know, these people testing positive could have been exposed before anyone knew COVID 19 was in California or the U.S.

People are blaming whoever they politically disagree with when we have no real enforcement of the physical distancing or masks since this shelter in place order was put in place. There are still people running around without facial coverings or maintaining physical distance.

57 cases in Humboldt County with the majority still travel related or contact known to a case is no reason to lecture the rest of us. 57 cases considering COVID 19 was in California before March 2020 is something to consider. Most of us are being sensible and responsible.

Do some people really think that by wearing a facial covering or physical distancing since March 2020 they are protected from COVID 19? There is evidence COVID 19 was here prior to March 2020. To the local fear mongerers, get tested.

If you don't want to do that, then stay home and keep your sanctimonious opinion to yourself.  No one has facts or evidence that will with 100 per cent certainty say when anyone was exposed or when COVID 19 was in circulation in the U.S. or California.

54 out of 57 people have recovered. How many of these cases are elderly or homeless? None of that is going to identify anyone but it provides facts. 57 people in Humboldt is a number to keep in perspective for local fear mongerers who do absolutely nothing productive to help the community combat COVID 19 or their fellow citizens other than sitting in front of a screen.

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