May 19, 2020

Another hearing for convicted human trafficker Anderson where "not much is accomplished"

Confirmation of counsel was scheduled on May 19 for convicted human trafficker David Anderson. As Judge Timothy Canning put it "not much we can accomplish today."

The decision on motions filed by Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads was continued to Thursday. Whether Anderson's time waiver was appropriately withdrawn will be addressed at a future date. Sealed documents to be provided to Deputy Conflict Counsel April Van Dyke.

At his last court hearing, Ms. Van Dyke was appointed as special counsel.

Special counsel was appointed by Judge Christopher Wilson for the limited purpose of discussing the potential conflict(s) raised in the pleadings filed in connection w/ motion to disqualify Mr. Michael Acosta who is Anderson's attorney.

Preliminary hearing is still scheduled for June 8.

Anderson has two cases; one is an alleged violation of parole. The other case includes several charges including human trafficking. He has a previous case in which he entered a plea and is already a convicted human trafficker.

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