Feb 11, 2019

"The actual assault on my child was only the beginning of four years of countless court dates"

There wasn't a preliminary hearing or a jury trial for Kayla Brown so any details regarding the case were heard today in court via Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Schaffer's statement before sentencing, Jane Doe's mother's letter read in court and statements by Deputy Public Defender Ben McLaughlin.

Ms. Schaffer said that despite being warned about the inappropriateness of texts by Jane Doe's mother, Brown continued her behavior and contact with the minor. This was six months before the sexual acts. Ms. Schaffer said that Brown was someone the youth in the community looked up to and she abused that trust.

Ms. Schaffer said the 14 year old was afraid to make the 21 year old mad and continued the relationship for that reason. Brown also threatened to tell Jane Doe's mother about their relationship.  Ms. Schaffer said texts showed digital penetration occurred and that Brown only mentioned kissing to defense expert, UC Davis' Dr. Ferranti.

While Mr. McLaughlin agreed the relationship was age inappropriate, he said Ms. Schaffer alluded to selective texts. He said the former Miss Hoopa was not a sexual predator. Both Ms. Schaffer and Jane Doe's mother asked Judge John Feeney to treat Brown just as he would treat a 21 year old male accused of similar charges.

Jane Doe's mother's letter highlighted the tensions between the two families, the cultural stigma of lesbianism in a small, tribal community.

Commenting on remarks of Brown's family heckling Jane Doe at games and the harassment, Mr. McLaughlin said that, "she doesn't want to pay debts for her family's behavior. Ms. Brown has also been antagonized."

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