Oct 3, 2017

Dr. Jason Roof appointed to evaluate Kimberly Felder, another doctor to be appointed in about a month

Today, Judge Christopher Wilson appointed Dr. Jason Roof as one of the doctors to evaluate Kimberly Felder. Another doctor will be appointed on October 17, said Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads.

A court hearing to get recommendations and appoint doctors to evaluate Kimberly Felder was held on September 26.

Deputy Conflict Counsel Mr. Marek Reavis, who represents Felder recommended Dr. Jason Roof and Dr. John Chamberlain.

Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads said she was famiar with both of those doctors but did not know their schedule and gave two additional names, Dr. Anna Glazer and Dr. Amanda Gregory.

Both attorneys told Judge Christopher Wilson they were fine with the Court appointing the doctors. Judge Wilson said he would pick one from the People 's list and one from the defense.

Both attorneys had to submit costs,and CVs for each doctor by the end of last week. Judge Wilson said he would apoint doctors on October 3 and the hearing was scheduled for 10:15.

Felder had a hearing scheduled on Setember 14 for the People to provide recommendations of doctors. At her last hearing, Felder entered an additional plea of not guilty by insanity. That hearing was continued to September 26.

Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads is prosecuting the case. Deputy Conflict Counsel Marek Reavis is representing Felder.

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