Oct 5, 2017

Before LWVHC preaches "unbiased, meaningful choices, maybe they should start by cleaning up their own act" and check out Sinclair stations before dissing them

I don't know whether to laugh and take the letter  printed in TS by the League Women Voters as comedy or get outraged at yet another attempt by the Bernietown aka Humboldt left "leaders" to stifle any diversity of opinion.

Anything short of progressive, radical left is "conservative".

Elaine Weinreb and Rolin Richmond have not watched Sinclair Broadcasting stations but are happy to slap a label on them.

Sinclair stations provide excellent local news, with a balance of hard news, community features and professional reporting.  And gasp, even critical coverage of President Trump and the Republicans.

Most media in this town leans left, is activist, regurgitates  press releases. Others think they are media but are just  full time PR people who write the occasional online journals or have podcasts summarizing and promoting businesses they like and their friends who they claim are  "the  local media". There is no diverse readership in these "local media whatevers". You will find there are conservative, moderate and liberals viewers and readers  on Time-Standard, KIEM, North Coast News and my blog.

Sinclair is a welcome addition to this area because it will continue the professionalism that North Coast News already embodies and provide the balanced coverage this area needs.

Conservatives and moderates do not feel safe or represented in Humboldt. Until North Coast News; this blog was the one place that provided conservatives and moderates a safe forum to  voice their opinion and get balanced coverage, not found anywhere else. It is still the only safe haven for many.

When the Eureka Reporter was being published, you saw diversity of coverage and readership.

The League of Women Voters are not non partisan. They have shown bias in their forums towards preferred candidates. So before they preach unbiased, meaningful choices, maybe they should start by cleaning up their own act.

Does Jared Huffman do anything besides sponsor meaningless bills to placate his progressive base? Maybe he should spend less time courting his fans and work on jobs, housing, and public safety; issues that matter to every day Californians.



  1. The left is so worried because there base, ie: flock of sheep, noun: sheeple are so gullible that any outside influence my leave a gate open to the field of Sanity that is the Conservative base, ie: the silent working tax paying majority that is sick of the lefts permissive Progressive shitbag Society we have to bleach ourselves clean of every day after work. LWVHC non partisan??, LOL.

  2. It's good to see groups called out when they deserve it, like now. People who are new to politics are too often easily fooled by groups like this who puff up an air of being in the know.
    The constitution is the only pamphlet and voter guide we will ever need.
    Jobs, housing and public safety are easily attained when govt gets out of the way and attends to the duties that were delegated to them by the people.

  3. I try hard not to be offended by these memes. Not all liberals are intolerant of conservative viewpoints. It's an unfortunate stereotype that becomes glaring when proven correct by certain pubic groups. I feel like it's akin to lumping all conservatives into a group of gun toting Christians. It's atrocious to see intolerance no matter what side of the aisle you're on. As my grandmother used to say: it takes all types to make the world go 'round.

    1. Excellent point Chris about generalizations. You are someone I could sit down with and have a respectful dialogue or debate. Most people do not have extreme viewpoints or fit stereotypes.
      That requires us to go back to communicating in person and be willing to tolerate and accept differences of opinion.

    2. Very true. There is a great quote: true listening is having the willingness to let the other person change you... or something to that effect.

    3. Actually, I think true listening is just willing to listen, without wanting to change someone,and accepting differences. If you happen to change someone's opinion or view, just be grateful that now you have at least one thing in common.

    4. The force is strong with you Jeti Chiv.

  4. When Bonten bought KAEF/KBVU, there was a change in editorial direction (which stories got headline play, where resources were mounted). It was change, but not dramatic.

    The changes this week since Sinclair took over have been rather dramatic -- heavy, heavy emphasis on national pre-packaged footage. Local news is getting less air play or when it does get air play, there's an editorial bent to contort it to try to fit national narratives. I don't know how much money has been cut from local staff but I'm fearful that the cuts have been deep. KIEM desperately needs local competition.

    There's also a civil war going on behind the scenes at the stations that Sinclair has recently acquired. If you watch KRCR in the mornings, you'll notice they are airing the Sinclair-produced commentary packages from Boris Ephstyn (Trump campaign), Sara Carter, etc. If you watch KAEF/KBVU, you're not seeing these video packages. Sinclair stations in the precincts that voted heavily for Bernie or are Democratic strongholds are not playing along with airing Sinclair commentaries.

  5. Used to know a lot of people who were part of League Of Women Voters. All of the conservatives found themselves unwelcome, and withdrew. Periodically, some try again, hoping for a different outcome. It is definitely bi-partisan in name only, for women of the D, not R, persuasion. If we have friends there, we don't dare mention our opinions. It's a shame because they do many good things, like the candidate forums on KEET that give Humboldt County voters a chance to see the people they might be voting for. I'd say I hope it changes, but it's one of those cases where HOPE is a four-letter word.


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