Oct 5, 2017

If John Beideman looks familiar to you, think 421 I street; divorce in 2010?

John Beideman ill be familiar to some as a civil clerk for the Humboldt County Superior Court. I was hoping to find out if he still employed in that position so didn't include this in the earlier post.

In 2010, he and his wife divorced. The case was  for "dissolution of marriage" with  minor child.

Previous post:



  1. I can't stand that guy. He was always a prick when I went in there

    1. yup. maybe he doesn't like anyone over the age of 18.

  2. What is that website in the second photo?

    As always, thanks for the thorough reporting!

    1. It is not a website. It is a court document from court records on a public access computer that can be viewed. There is a restriction to what records are accessible to public.

  3. This creep looked very familiar and it was really bothering me. As soon as you said where he worked I had a complete flash back. Not only is he an “alleged” (gotta say that, right) pediphile, his customer service totally sucked. I had to deal with him several times in January and he was a complete A-hole! I used his pen! Uggg. I feel so dirty! Really, I had to wash my hands several times. It’s the same with the Sex, I mean Surf Shack. I have tried to go in there and I just can’t do it. I thought it was just me but I was with a group of people last week and it came up, every person, women and men said the same thing. Sorry but they need to rebrand or they will continue to lose business. The food was good there. Walking in to the space with so much darkness attached is just too much. Let’s hope we can get some swift prosecutions on these pervs!

    1. He also had no clue about certain things. I had to complain to management about him because he took apart something I wanted to file, had prepared properly, and then argued with me. Misfiled it, and would have caused a delay. and cost me extra money to refile I did not get any attitude from him after that day. He was not pleasant to anyone from what I observed.

      As for the new owners of Surfside, they made it worse by pretending they had no idea what was going on and that Chad Smith was being investigated and blaming media for their loss of business. I updated my original post with details about each charge and the potential sentences ,if he is convicted. One charge has a sentence of 25 years to life.

  4. john...how do you protect yourself from the onslaught of material that you read about and publish in addition to your time in courts. I mean , you must be affected by all the crappy stuff you ingest. This can affect your own well being.

    1. With faith, with surrounding myself with positive people. Yes, this stuff can be draining but it is worth speaking up and getting the truth out about survivors. Thank you for your concern.

      I develop long term relationships and trust with my readers, tipsters, who share everyday details about their life with me because they know they are more than the latest headline or soundbyte to me. The wonderful people I have had the luck to meet are a blessing.


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