Oct 13, 2024

Any local lawyer or media worth their salt would have done due diligence in the chicken farm vs Alexandre Family Farm lawsuit

I saw the lawsuit filed by Legal Impact for Chickens on September 30 against Alexandre Family Farm LLC. Besides being extremely busy, I didn't rush to post on it for various reasons. I don't allow anyone to use me. I develop my own leads. I do my due diligence. And, credibility matters to me. I have covered Humboldt Superior Court for 10 years. People and lawyers trust my reporting because I have earned it. I can smell an agenda miles away and this chicken lawsuit reeks worse than cow dung.

Who will prevail in this lawsuit or what the final outcome will be remains to be seen. I don't have a  a cow in this fight. What I do know is that I have zero interest in covering a lawsuit that smacks of personal agendas, drama in the local farming and ranching industry and what should be obvious to anyone with a brain which is that the Alexandres are the only one being singled out and targeted. Is every other rancher or farmer in Humboldt and Del Norte counties perfect and never had any alleged issues or complaints? 

This is a statement I got from a spokesperson for Alexandre Family Farms. "Our mission is to farm in harmony with nature, honoring the Earth and all the animals under our stewardship. We are recognized by Certified Humane for meeting precise, objective standards for how we care for our animals. We will not comment on pending litigation."

The joke that passes as other local media in this County did not even cover Ray Christie's plea deal. I did. But the same other local media had no issue to plaster the same photo of Ray Christie and his property all over. I checked on Ray Christie's property in 2023 and got updated photos.


I looked at the court documents, saw the local firm Janssen Malloy listed.  I guess Janssen Malloy smelled money and jumped on this lawsuit either unaware of some facts or didn't care. Times Standard did not bother to do basic diligence. 

I saw the case Manni v Alexandre, a lawsuit mentioned in the chicken non profit lawsuit recently filed against the Alexandre Family Farm. 

The Manni v Alexandre case was referenced in previous coverage on my blog years ago. 

Before the article in the Atlantic came out, I wrote about it and it was Ray Christie who told me about the article. I covered a lawsuit in 2022 which involved Joe Manni and the Alexandre family farm. That lawsuit CV2001227 has a dismissal hearing on 3/3/25 and the case settled. 

I do not know what the terms of the settlement in CV2001227 are and if there is any confidentiality clause. I guess we may find out through this chicken non profit lawsuit where Manni and that case are mentioned if Manni violated any terms of that agreement.

There are too many posts I have done on Joe Manni, Ray Christie and their history with the Alexandres and Alexandre Family Farm. Regular readers remember them. Many in the community have their own experiences with these three individuals and their opinion with what they think of these three individuals and their credibility, including me. 

Joe Manni is someone who used to talk to Ray Christie years ago. I have no idea if Manni currently does or not and Ray is slick when it comes to answering inconvenient questions. I am not saying Ray Christie has anything to do with the Atlantic article or the chicken lawsuit but somehow he knew months ago about the article. Ray Christie also hinted to me about a part 2 or 3. I was told before the plea deal in Ray Christie's case that Manni was willing to testify for Ray Christie. Manni filed a declaration in Ray Christie's 2018 court case which I reported on my blog. I was told by Ray Christie himself that if his case went to trial an animal rights group might testify for him. 

As a part of feedback about my blog, I spoke to at least one reader, someone in the animal rights industry who had a change of heart about Ray Christie after interacting with one of  Ray Christie's close business associates and friends. That business associate and close friend is not Joe Manni. As a part of his plea, Ray Christie paid $12,000 in lieu of fine to Redwood Pals rescue located in Mckinleyville. 

Manni knows why he was eventually blocked by me. Some others in this community, who whined about Manni privately to me, could step up but they won't because Humboldt is full of anonymous, two faced, backstabbing cowards.

Certain people in the ranching industry with a bias, interest and agenda came to me with some allegations about the Alexandres. I have notes and photos from 2021 about allegations made about the Alexandres and reports which I could not corroborate and when I asked for evidence, it was not provided. If the persons wanted to remain confidential, they would not have persisted in being a part of a current lawsuit and constantly going to other media about the Alexandres because they did not get what they wanted from me. 

Not all conversations and information given to me are under confidentiality and often that information is already known by other people. 

I have met Blake Alexandre once. He was pleasant, cordial and did not bad mouth anyone including Ray Christie or anyone else. I have met and interacted with Joe Manni more than once. I have had many interactions with Ray Christie, members of his family and business associates.

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