Oct 10, 2024

The State of California is not the only one suing Providence, these are just 3 lawsuits including DANCO suing "in excess of $726,062.28"


The State of California is not the only one suing Providence. These are just three additional lawsuits which include DANCO suing Providence "in excess of $726,062.28". 

I am not following all these lawsuits regularly unless there is some major development; I have enough to do. Most civil suits take months or years and usually end in a settlement.

I find it interesting that two entities profiting from housing the chronically houseless, specifically seniors at Mother Bernard House, are quibbling. In court documents in point 6, DANCO admit that to reduce costs DANCO agreed to eliminate galvanized steel. Thanks DANCO for confirming money is the bottom line, damn the pros and cons while you get most of the local contracts for "low income " or the pc term "affordable housing." 

AI on Google lists some pros and cons including: 

Galvanized steel is a cost-effective choice for many projects because it can last for decades with little to no maintenance. Eliminating galvanized steel to reduce costs may not be the best option:

Non-galvanized structures can incur indirect costs that are up to 11 times higher than galvanized structures. These costs can include loss of business due to maintenance closures. 

Who cares about housing funds as long as as everyone involved in these projects profits? There is no audit of housing funds and the results of how many get housed vs who profits from millions is obvious to anyone with a brain. Those housed in "affordable housing" better not complain because the streets are the only other option. DANCO, maybe if your workers spent more time working instead of lounging around and chowing down burritos and coffee and yakking, projects would get done faster. I walked by Mother Bernard House and the Mrytle housing project for two years. A snail moves faster than your workers.  

I broke the news about Mother Bernard House months before any press release or other local coverage. I don't sit around waiting for news to be sent to me, I develop content. Checked Providence and lawsuits on a hunch today. The Mother Bernard House and the Providence lawsuits in this post are only two examples over 10 years. 

The rest of the local media will ignore this news about the DANCO and Providence lawsuit or run some half baked spin from PR. Their owners and publishers are not going to make waves and call out the good ole Humboldt boys and gals they hob nob with or risk advertising revenue or lose those so called "tips" they get from the City of Eureka or Providence so they can play "journalists" once in a while. Instead of running another CALMatters column about LA tenants, go out and investigate how local funds are being used and why housing lists and resources do not = people getting off the street. Let's see if the other local "media" and their owners and publishers have the guts. Those media who get the support of the local monied, the ad revenue and multiple staff should earn their keep. I have done previous posts about funding received and the breakdown how that money is being spent.

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