May 28, 2020

So is a free society only for some and selective enforcement only for businesses and when convenient?

In a video where Sheriff Honsal answered questions from the media, he said hotels in some areas are allowing people from out of the area to stay for a night. People traveling on state highways need to rest and Sheriff William Honsal said we don’t want people on the road driving when they are tired.

Sheriff Honsal also mentioned that California has traveling restrictions, but Oregon, Nevada and Arizona do not and borders are not closed. The county does not want people vacationing but Sheriff Honsal admitted it is a free society and hard for law enforcement to control people. The sheriff’s office has responded to some complaints.

At least Sheriff Honsal is being upfront. I get it. Law enforcement is busy, more so since Gavin the dictator let more criminals out on the streets and stopped transfer to prisons and state hospitals. Gavin released COVID 19 inmates into communities.

Some hotels are being responsible just like some individuals. Others are irresponsible and they don't care there is a pandemic. There are people vacationing and staying for more than a day.

I didn't bother calling the COVID tip line about the out of state licenses and cars that have been here for days and weeks. Here are just two examples. They can be seen in plain view on 6th street.

Why bother? No one followed up on the guy from Louisiana who was here for at least 3 days?

After two months, I did call the COVID tip line on someone who since the shelter in place order has had contact with construction workers at home regularly, interacted with family members not living in the same household on a daily basis and had at least two large gatherings with mimosas, drinks and food in a small outdoor space. Everyone was not wearing facial coverings. I could only record audio for the last event since the view to take photos is blocked by foliage. Today's gathering had young children, elderly and non family members for at least 3 hours. Some stayed longer. Nothing will happen.  I reported to EPD as well. Received a threatening message and blocked that person.

6/2 update: I did not mention who these people were so it is interesting to me that Somer Small, a nurse at St. Joseph's, had the nerve to try and intimidate me and inadvertently identify the people. Her comment, why are you harassing people in their backyard?" The only way Small would know these are neighbors where I live is either because someone connected told her or she is friends or was at the parties. So a St. Joe's nurse is okay with violations of the shelter in place order and potentially spreading COVID 19 in the community?

There is selective enforcement. I called the tip line while this was happening. They cannot follow up on every tip while it is happening. I or others who work cannot call right away. I am not the only one to observe and mention these sort of violations.

There are responsible people staying away from their loved ones, staying home, wearing masks, physical distancing, having livelihoods impacted and they suffer while irresponsible people go on with their lives.

Alder Bay, Mckinleyville Aztec Grill, people traveling out of the county are a huge part of Humboldt's COVID19 numbers. I don't like being threatened that restrictions will be placed again and Queen Frankovich will determine the pace of reopening. She,  the Department of Health and all those in charge of enforcing this bs health order are cracking down on businesses who are compliant while ignoring the real reason there is transmission and increase in COVID 19 numbers. The public and media ask relevant questions and get ignored.

Humboldt Inn  has homeless who are quaratined or housed due to COVID 19. They are running around on the streets and in gas stations. Of course, our numbers will go up.

There are many people wearing masks because of the social pressure. The only ones protecting us are EPD, the doctors, the nurses and the first responders. Their lives are being put at risk because Queen Frankovich is too busy courting a mostly compliant local media, enjoying her video time and because health officers and Governors all over the country are abusing their power.

If this pandemic is so deadly, why are the homeless and the addicts not driving up the numbers? Most of them are not wearing masks nor do they practice physical distancing.

If this pandemic is so deadly, follow up on every COVID line tip, close the county borders, get everyone homeless and all the addicts off the street and enforce the order for individuals. You can't because it is unconstitutional.

Stop paying Dr. Frankovich and all those getting a guaranteed paycheck funded by taxpayers and see how quickly we go through phases. Even Gavin realized  he needs $ to fund his grand schemes and that is why he is spinning the reopening and so called acceleration.

The  businesses and restaurants who are not reopening are selfish and don't care about their employees or customers. How can they not afford to work? Can they afford to wait because of a PPP loan, a go fund me or some other reason? All you shop local hypocrites are destroying mom and pop and small businesses.

People not wearing masks are not the problem. People questioning unchecked authority and abuse of civil liberties are not the problem Irresponsible,selfish people are the problem. In no consequence California, criminals rule.

1 comment:

  1. We're being ruled by a unelected bureaucrat. Indeed stop all Governmental payment and this stops and become just the standard flu. If it's not it's engineer Germ werfare it needs to be stated as so and responded to in spades to stop it from ever happening again.


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