Jun 25, 2019

Living in a small town and County has benefits that we should not take for granted

We all do it, whether it is privately to family and friends, online and in our reporting. Focusing on exposes and the negative of Humboldt.

There are many benefits of living in a small, rural tight knit community. This week, I had a bit of a break from the Courthouse and an extremely stressful living situation. It reminded me of better days, happier days in Humboldt. I was a different person, relaxed and smiling despite some challenges.

When you are covering the darkness, non stop for four years, being there for everyone else, particularly the soul killing sex abuse cases and taking on entrenched systems, it takes a toll.

I and many others don't put up a Gofund me page or do a post online asking for help. Like many independent people in real need , we don't reach out to strangers because life is just surviving another day. We deal, we manage.

Today, reach out from your bubble to someone, especially someone you don't ordinarily think of and make a difference.

Unexpected kindness from strangers and a handful of true friends, the consistent customer service and genuine caring from Wells Fargo, Scrapper's Edge, Lost Coast Brewery, City of Eureka employees,particularly Brian Issa, Pam Powell and Christine Tyson and DHHS' Connie Beck and Nancy Starck made a very difficult week for me, filled with moments of joy.

There are genuinely wonderful people here who do not allow politics, economics,their own struggles to affect how they treat another human being. Whether it is the County, the City, a non-profit, a local business, or a Corporation, there is a sense of community and being neighborly in Humboldt because in addition to being the challenges of a small, rural community, the geographical isolation is difficult.

Today, take the time to thank someone whose simple act made your day brighter.


  1. John, spot on! Be kind to others no matter what. I am sorry you are struggling. Take time for yourself. Find the helpers as Mr. Rogers taught us.


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