Oct 12, 2017

"Step it up! This isn't how we should treat our active service or our veterans. Unless we are talking about the veterans of the great heroin war of 2017."

"Is this how honor active service members?"
Local citizen Shane Blackwell asked Mayor Frank Jager, Kim Bergel, Austin Allison, Marian Brady and Heidi Wilson-Messner to:
"Step it up! This isn't how we should treat our active service or our veterans. Unless we are talking about the veterans of the great heroin war of 2017."

Watch his video.

Since he could not tag every one on facebook, maybe the public can get answer from our City elected officials, especially Coast Guard reservist Natalie Arroyo here or at a future City Council meeting.


  1. can't even tell what is in this picture

    1. Did you try enlarging the picture or read the post or watch the video? Either one of those and all would answer your question.

    2. It's really cool when the sewer vent scares the crap out of you.... Yeah, not a good choice for naming as a park, for anything. WTF were they thinking???

    3. This is how most of the City looks because the good ole boys and gals, including many fake "conservatives" don't want competition and just want to profit from quick money like the green rush. They are not used to being called out.

  2. maybe they should rename it stinking liberal park!!!!!

  3. dont let the Humboldt Grassroots Craigslist trolls get you donw. you are winning.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment and support. The trolls are so obvious to most people. Whether they are Humboldt Grassroots or not, they come from the same basic mindset. And these trolls do not represent true conservatives or true liberals or true Humboldt. It is great as a community to see people speaking up and we as a community, including you and me are winning. The more they attack us, the more they lose.


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