Jul 23, 2024

First, they reached a verdict, then it is mixed verdict, then they are deadlocked, didn't I say this would happen in Fortuna attempted murder case?


Remember what I said in a previous post that this case would most likely result in a hung jury or mixed verdict?

Jurors in Fortuna attempted murder case sent a note to Retired Judge Christopher Wilson that they had reached verdicts. Then they said mixed verdicts, then they said deadlocked. Hearing that additional time may assist them in reaching verdicts, jurors asked to return this morning. Judge and attorneys then discussed procedure to move forward.

When you read the 7/22 court minutes, you will see there are more details in the above paragraph which are more complete & accurate than the summation in the minutes. Different clerk on 7/22 & 7/23 and you can tell the difference. The clerk on 7/23 had detailed minutes up shortly after verdict today. She is also the one who had her minutes in this very case up regularly.

Both not guilty on atempted murder, guilty of assault with a deadly weapon. Ramirez also guilty of special allegations. Sentencing is scheduled for 10/18/24. 

Again, a win for the defense. Now that a verdict is in, jurors have been excused, if one of the jurors gives me permission, I will add a brief statement.

Google the difference in sentencing between the not guilty, guilty counts. I am sure defense will argue regarding the special allegations. 

7/22 court minutes:

7/23 court minutes:

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